Wednesday, August 10, 2011

boys only

a few weeks ago, josh got a 'wild hare' (or is it hair?) start cleaning out our garage (a.k.a. the abyss, or the black hole). i would LOVE to be able to park my car in the garage...and it looks like that dream may soon come true. cue the hallelujah chorus.

anyhow...we have accumulated tons of junk over the years. one thing that takes up a lot of space in our garage is josh's '64 1/2 ford mustang. it actually has served as "storage" for lots of other junk (i like to pile junk upon junk).

as the unearthing began, josh pulled out (and cleaned up) "old red" (just kidding....the car doesn't have a name....i just came up with that one). he took 'er down to the warehouse at work, and now we can walk through the garage....but just barely. you know how things sometimes have to get worse, before they get better? well, that's the abyss right now. there's still a lot that needs to be done....

before he took the 'stang away....the boys had to go for a ride!! they all looked so cute and the boys were SO excited to ride in dad's cool car! :)

there they go!
....i can't ever seem to do a 'short' post! no matter how hard i try....i get that
"explain-every-little-detail" syndrome. :) happy wednesday, everyone!

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