Friday, July 24, 2009

Praying About Adoption....

Josh and I have always "toyed" with the idea of adoption. Recently, however....we have gotten much more serious about it. We attended a seminar back in May, and we are praying about it now. We have always talked about adopting a Chinese baby girl. Since we have two boys of our own, a baby girl would be a fun addition to our family! Plus, this girly girl needs a little pink around here!

It's funny....but right after we attended the seminar, which we didn't tell the boys about, Bryson started asking questions about orphans and orphanages. I decided to go ahead and ask him to pray for our family. Almost nightly, he prays that God "would show our family if we're supposed to get a baby sister." I love the prayers of my children. I know our God and Savior hears them and will answer them.

Within the past couple of months, the Lord has placed several friends in my life....who have adopted, are seeking to adopt, and/or who are a source of information for us. I have often heard people paraphrase the verse in which God tells us to "take care of widows and orphans," though I never looked up the address of that verse! Today, I woke up and grabbed my Bible. I decided to start in James 1, and lo and behold....I came to James 1:27, which says....."Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." You know, He never ceases to amaze me. I love how His Word speaks to me...right where I am at!

I know that my God will lead and guide us, and show us His will....if we seek Him. Please pray for our family. We have some serious praying to do! We are seeking some B-I-G answers from our heavenly Father. I know that He will take the desire away...if that is not what He has for our family's future. I also know that He will provide for us- every step of the way- if He does indeed have a child for us! Thank you for your prayers....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Beach Bums!

We love to head to the beach with friends!
Last week, Leah and I took all five of our boys!
She and I chatted all day, while the boys played.
The weather was perfect and we all had a wonderful day!
Thank you, Lord....for awesome friends, beautiful weather, big waves,
warm sand, and sunshine!

Jake, Bryson, Luke, Drew, and Hudson
Me and my amazing friend, Leah!
Hudson asked me to take this picture!

Sunday Nights In The Summer

It has been so nice to spend time as a family these past few Sunday nights! Last night, we went to dinner with Justin, Kelly, and Peytie. When we got home, the weather was perfect and it was too nice to just go inside. The kids got out the sidewalk chalk and the dogs sat on the front lawn. We all took a walk, too! It was such an awesome night.....a beautiful sunset, amazing weather, and two, messy boys!

This boy is growing up too fast!
This artist was very serious about his "sidewalk chalk sunset!"
Smile for mom!
Hudson is always ready to say "cheese!"
...showing me his messy hands!
....blowing off the extra chalk!
Chalky hands!
Lily and Sunny were happy to come out and play!
The beautiful sunset!
....all of my boys....walking to the park!
Bryson and Hudson like to work out!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our Miracle.....Part Two!

I just had to give you all an update!

The night that Hudson fell was so crazy and I think we were all just a bit shaken up! As we tucked Hudson into bed that night, Josh prayed that Hudson's bruise would be healed...and that the bruising would go away. Mind you, he had an inch and a half long bruise that popped up immediately after his fall! I went in to check on Hudson later that night, and to pray over him. I looked at his leg...and couldn't believe it.....but....the bruise was GONE! I stood there in disbelief, and then thought to myself....'maybe it's the lighting'.....'I will look again in the morning.' Well, I did check it again and it was....yep....still gone!! It was so cool to see God's hand in the whole ordeal! First, He protected Hudson...and then, as if that wasn't enough.....He healed him immediately, too. You are probably thinking I am a complete loon at this point....but I am okay with that. It is awesome to be able to see, first hand, how our Lord answers our prayers. I loved being able to talk to Hudson, as I pointed to his tell him what God had done for him! Nothing is impossible with Christ. He is awesome!

Luke 1:37- For nothing is impossible with God.

Matt. 17:20- He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Hebrews 11:1- Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Miracle in the Menashe Home

I am still in shock...
Tonight, Hudson's dresser fell over on him. Every single drawer fell out, everything fell off the top of the dresser...and he lay screaming on the floor. Josh got to his room before I did, and immediately picked him up to check out the damage done to him. I got to the room right after Josh did. I couldn't believe the sight before me. Clothes were strewn everywhere, coins from a jar littered the carpet, and the entire dresser was on it's side. Hudson has a pretty bad bruise on his left leg, but other than that....he is FINE. Hudson was fresh out of the shower, and apparently....he was reaching to the top drawer to get some undies. He must have climbed into/onto one of his drawers. He calmed down fairly quickly, and he told us what happened. He said, "I'm sorry, mom"....and that broke my heart. I honestly believe that I witnessed a miracle tonight. For something so heavy to fall onto my little boy, and not seriously injure him, is beyond what I can fathom. Hudson "should" have broken something. He "should" be in pain, and he "should" have more wounds. But- our God is GOOD and He totally protected our little dude. I am in awe, and I am so thankful for His hand of protection. I pray over my boys every night, and I believe that God showed me this evening just how He answers my prayers for protection. Wow. Praise the Lord. I was brought to my face in thanksgiving. This is a night that I will not soon forget, and I will continue to thank Jesus. I picture His hands holding the dresser up, so that my little boy was safe through it all. And....He does the same for us all the time....He holds us in the palm of His hand. He does not leave us. He protects us. He provides for us. It's funny, but Hudson's Bible verse for this week (at church) is Joshua 1:9...."The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." I know the Lord is with us all the time, and I know that He watched over my little guy tonight...and was with him in that scary moment. He never left Hudson and He saved him from harm. What a good God we serve!

Luke 12:48

"...From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
-Luke 12:48

Last week, as I was making coffee, this verse came to mind. Many of us are not rich (by the world's standards), but we are definitely rich with the Lord's blessings. Each of us have roofs over our heads, food on the table each night, a vehicle to drive, clothing, and much more. Has He not entrusted us with MUCH?? I was convicted as I really thought about the meaning of this verse. I have been entrusted with a home, a husband, two children, family, friends, a neighborhood, a church, and much more. Am I doing all that He is asking of me? Am I listening to my Lord and trying to hear His voice? Am I fulfilling His plan in my life? Am I serving Him wholeheartedly? The answer is "no." I am not doing everything that I could be. I desire to grow more and more into Christ's likeness. I want to always reflect upon this that I can be mindful of ALL that the Lord has blessed me with...and entrusted me with.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Is It Just Me???....

....Or do you let your laundry pile up, too??

Friday, July 10, 2009

Photos From the Fourth

On the Fourth of July, we were invited to my cousin's beautiful home! Josh had to shoot a wedding all day, so the boys and I missed him. Despite missing the hubby, it was an awesome day with my family. We had fun celebrating all together! There were 21 of us in all, and we had enough food to feed twice that amount! The weather was perfect....and we swam and played...relaxed and BBQ'd! Kari (my cousin) is so talented and so hospitable, and she made the most amazing cupcakes for me! My birthday is the fifth and her hubby, Jason, had turned 40 on the third! After we ate, we piled into a few cars and drove to their friend's house...where we had perfect seats (on the grass) to watch the fireworks display! The Fourth of July has always been a special holiday for me, and this one was no different. I missed Josh so much....but it was one of my far!

Jason's mom made a bundt cake!
Kari made these CUTE cupcakes!
Bryson LOVES corn on the cob!
Always the "ham!"
Maddie posed with Hudson! She is such a great kid and she's super helpful!
Hudson was a little afraid of the fireworks! He kept saying that he wanted to go home!
Some of the amazing fireworks...
My cousin Kari and her son, Sammy!
Bryson enjoyed the fireworks!
Hudson wanted to help me blow out the candles!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A King's Tale (CCCH VBS)

This year, our church's Vacation Bible School theme was "A King's Tale." You would not believe the amount of work that is put into such an incredible week! There were around 1, 500 kids that attended VBS this year! Each year, staff and volunteers go "all out" to prepare amazing skits, props, crafts, etc.! As you can see....this year was awesome! Bryson had a blast and learned so much!! I volunteered for a few days, so Hudson got to go, too. The boys came home with some pretty cool things that they had made! Their favorites were the swords! Bryson learned that the King desires for all of us to join us in His Kingdom. His Kingdom is available for all of those who want to come in!! In fact, He tells us...."But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."- Matt. 6:33
One of our church's beautiful fountains!
Can you believe that someone painted all of this??
The boys next to another one of the incredible "props!"
Hudson....eating a (fake) carrot!!
My little "knights in shining armor!"

There are some days....I wish I could leave them locked up!
Isn't this amazing?? serious "swordsman!"
Hudson...playing with the life-size chess board!

Two boys on the throne!...and Hudson put on B's glasses!
Bryson...enjoying the coin competition!
Some servants (and friends): Theresa, Lee, Jacky, and Kim
They go "all out" for the skits! Costumes...accents....
The cutest three year old...EVER!
I had to take a picture of this, because fleurs are my favorite!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

I pray that you all have a fun-filled (and safe) day, reflecting on our country's beginnings and our independence.
Bible and American Flag (1555R-304601 / bxp165938 © Brand X)
Pray for our nation today, as it so desperately needs payer!

Please pray for those fighting for each of us and our freedoms!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Boys: Quotes of the Day

My mom watched the boys for me yesterday, so that I could go and get my license renewed at the DMV! I went to pick the boys up at my parents house, and Hudson had to go potty. As he was sitting there (making a #2) mom and I were standing there, talking to each other. Hudson looked up at us and said, "So girls....what are you doing?" Maybe you just had to be there, but it was funny that he called us "girls!"

A few days back, my good friend (Kim) came out to our house. We went on a walk down our river trail and Bryson rode his scooter, while I pushed Hudson in the stroller. There were lots of people out on the trail, walking and biking. Bryson kept saying "hello" to the passers by. At one point, he looked up at a lady walking past and said, "Sure is a nice night for a walk, isn't it?" A few minutes later, he looked up at the clouds...then looked back at me...and said, "Mom...look at the clouds! Don't they just look like a painting?" was a beautiful sunset!

"From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise....."
-Psalm 8:2