Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take a vote.....

I get so frustrated with myself...when I am not keeping up with the blog regularly. I really wanted to share pics with you, that we've taken over the last few months. So many things have happened, that I would love to share...but maybe I just need to accept that "it's just not gonna happen!" So...on a totally different note....

There are four names that we are "throwing around" right now, for baby #3. I am asking my faithful few to give me their opinions....

Keaton, Sutton, Dalton, or Merrick
(and the middle name will be Davis for any of those)!

Feel free to leave me a comment with your vote! :)


  1. I like them all, butI like Keaton and Sutton the best!

  2. Kristi all of those names are awesome! When I say "Bryson, Hudson and ..." I can't choose between Keaton and Dalton. I really like Keaton though. I haven't heard that e v e r. Good "luck" trying to figure it out!

  3. Thank you, ladies!! :) I didn't know if anyone would leave a comment. The top two are: Keaton and Sutton. :) Thanks for your help!!

  4. I love them all but I especially like Sutton and Dalton :)
