Monday, June 7, 2010


i got to spend this past weekend with some of my sisters....sisters in Christ, that is. we stayed at a cabin in green valley lake. we brought tons of (junk) food....we stayed up late...talking, sharing testimonies, and worshiping. we drove into big bear for some delicious pizza....we walked through the cute shops...we slept in...and we ended the weekend with a climb to the top of the hill/mountain behind the cabin.

what a sweet time of fellowship it was for all of us, as we ended beth moore's study (called stepping up). stepping up is a study on the psalms of ascent (psalms 120-134). the study took us on a pilgrimage...a journey. we learned so much about the God we serve. we learned so much about how He desires for us to draw ever closer to Him.

it's funny....i was reluctant to make the climb to the top of that mountain. i hadn't gotten to shower yet that morning....i was sweaty and stinky...and i wasn't very motivated. but, nevertheless, we "hiked" up to the top, with the sun was beating down on us.

once we reached the top....there was a wind that whipped at us. we gathered in a tight circle and we prayed. we thanked God. we praised God. we petitioned Him, as well. being at the top of the mountain that day was symbolic for we had journeyed to the top together. we had pilgrimaged together- both in the study and that day. most of us got emotional during our prayer time. what a sweet time it was....God's creation all around us, tight bonds of friendships that He has formed between us, His wind hitting us, His sun shining down on us. Isn't that just like the Lord?? give us such meaningful moments. that day and that time together is something i will never forget. thank you, Jesus....for the weekend, for my sisters, and for Your beauty.

chillin' in the cabin....
michele bought and brought us a motherlode cake!!!!
on our way to big bear, lots of the girls in my car were feeling we stopped for a few minutes!
getting ready for a group shot!
setting the timers...
wendi put this baby headband on, in a darling boutique! isn't she cute?!
leah, lisa, and wendi (at paoli's)
our group photo, at paoli's in big bear
chanel brought her keyboard...and she made each of us a worship booklet! how awesome it was to sing together!
we all shared our testimonies with one another, and michele talked about how pearls are formed through adversity. she brought each of us an oyster with a pearl inside!
can you see my pearl??

i am so thankful for that time away...with some of the most amazing women i know.
God, You are good to me.

1 comment:

  1. That cake looked so goooooood! Cake, coffee and chit chat with your best gal pals, what a wonderful time you had!! :)
