Saturday, June 26, 2010

our big 4 year old....

Hudson Graham,

You are growing up too quickly! We can't believe that you are four today! Wow! Where does the time go? It seems like it was just yesterday when we brought our "baby" home from the hospital. You are such a joy to us! You are funny, you are goofy, and you make us laugh a ton. You are our shy guy. You don't like to be the center of attention, and you are ALL BOY. It's fun to watch you run around outside! You love the dogs, and you are gentle with animals! You really enjoy acting like a puppy or a kitty, and you love cars and Legos. You really love to play anything that "big brother" is playing. You two love each other and can be so sweet to one another. Of course, you definitely have some moments of sibling rivalry as well. Hudson...we love watching you grow in your relationship with the Lord. You say some awesome prayers and you ask us all kinds of questions about God. It's so fun to watch you try to figure things out. You are very determined and when you want something- you get it done! You are so silly, and everyone tells us how handsome you are. We love you, Peanut Butter! We hope your 4th birthday is super special!

Love, Mom and Dad

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