Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Mornin' Devo :)

Hey all! I have soooo missed my blog!! I will be back soon, with tons of pics from our vacation, June and July birthdays, VBS, and more! For now, I leave you with this devotion(al) my awesome pastor! It's an incredible reminder for us all! Enjoy and be blessed today.....

What Have You Been Designed to Do?

"The joy of the LORD is your strength!" One morning, I saw something that made me think of this verse. It was a runner going down the street. There was a light rain falling and the morning was still dark, but this runner was committed. He was in good shape and wore the best running apparel. By the look of his pace, he took running seriously. As he ran, I noticed that he had a companion alongside him. It was a beautiful German Pointer, you know, one of those sleek bird dogs that you see in a painting of hunters in an English countryside. As the runner ran, determined and disciplined, his dog could not have been more excited and happy to be involved. The dog seemed to glide along as the runner pounded the pavement. He would look up at his master every few steps, seemingly sending a message to him, "aren't we having fun?" The dog was delighted, tongue out, head up, back straight; if dogs could smile, this dog was. And why shouldn't he? He was doing what he was designed to do . . . it was early and he was with his master. He was running for the sheer pleasure of it and with every step that dog took, he looked and seemed happier. The runner may have had to run for his own benefit, but his dog was just glad to be along for the experience.

I sometimes think we make our lives something they were never intended to be. It's possible that we can get away from being with the Master daily. When that happens, we lose our confidence. Our pace slows and we begin to look around at other things rather than look up at Him. We can quickly feel lost and alone. When we're near Him, there's a glide to our step. We don't seem to get so tired and we are overjoyed just to be along for the experience. Is the joy of the LORD your strength today? If not, take a walk with Jesus and as you do, you will be pleasantly surprised to find yourself running with Him, delighted, joyful and strong. After all, it's what you've been designed to do!

Pastor Jack

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