Friday, June 12, 2009

My New Toy...And Just In Time For Summer!!

Yesterday, my new camera was delivered to my door step!!  I can't wait to use it!  You can expect to see LOTS more pics on my blog!!  I got a mini-tutorial from the pro last night, but I know there is much more to learn.  It will be a matter of "trial and error," I am sure!  

Today is (officially) my family's first day of summer!  Bryson is out of school and though it was hard to see him graduate from Kindergarten yesterday (pics to be posted soon)...I am excited for what summer brings.  Summer brings:

Ice cream
The beach
Lazy mornings
Back yard play
The park
Play dates with friends
Late nights
Evening walks
Swimming all day

*What does summer bring for you and your family??

"It was You who set all the boundaries of the earth; You made both summer and winter."
-Psalm 74:17


  1. Summer means pretty much the same thing as you, but in a nut shell it's not knowing what the day is except for Sunday! And PS you have to go into more detail about what kind of camera you got!

  2. Hey there! I hear ya! I don't know what day it is most of the time! I got a Canon G10. It's so nice! I love it and it's perfect for me (the novice).
