Friday, January 21, 2011

My Kids Say...

...the darndest things!

I'm sure yours do, too.

Here are a few recent quotes....

*Yesterday, Hudson threw up several times. He was miserable and crying and he said...."I just want to go to heaven right now." Then, he said, "I hate this feeling!" (Poor was so sad.)

* Hudson was drinking milk the other day and said, "Mom, am I hydrated?" (I love it when my 4 yr. old uses big words!)

*Just now, Bryson said...."I don't have something simple. I have something extraordinary. I have the two best parents in the whole wide world." (Does the boy know how to sweet talk, or what?)

*On occasion, I have to take the boys into the women's restroom(s) with me. One night, a few months back....B was in the restroom (not the stall) with me- and on our way out, he looked at the dispenser up on the wall and said...."Napkins...for 25 cents??? Why would they sell napkins in a bathroom?"

.....The past few weeks have been pretty "heavy"....and thinking about my funny boys makes me smile. I hope these make you smile, too. Just wanted to share! Have a great weekend. I have a "confession" post coming stay tuned! :)


  1. jake saw the dispenser in the bathroom and said "Mom, that's bad. I can't believe they sell cigarettes in the bathroom!" hahaha

  2. hahaha I know how Hudson feels, there are planty of times I've been sick and wish I would just die and go to Heaven :) Your boys are so awesome! It's a shame we live so close and have never got together. I'd love to see you & meet your boys, and I'd LOVE for you to meet Rylie. Rylie & I are always looking for things to do during the day, my husband works nights so he sleeps during the day, we like to get out of the house so he can have some peace & quiet. Let me know if you'd like some company one of these days...

  3. Julie....I would LOVE to hang out!! You can come my way, or I can come to you....or we can meet in the middle! :) Your little Rylie is too cute and I'd love to meet her! I can't believe how quickly time flies. Mondays and Wednesdays are best for me, but I can do Friday mornings, too. OR.....I can meet you around 3pm- pretty much any day of the week (that's after B gets out of school). We can also meet on Tuesday nights! :) me and we'll set something up!

    Love, Kristi
