Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hudson's surgery

on monday morning, hudson had surgery (to repair/correct his hydrocele). this surgery had been prayed over by many faithful friends and family members....for months in advance. the Lord showed up in a mighty way. there was a complete peace, knowing that the Lord was in total control. (the surgery is pretty common, and it was an outpatient deal, but still....when your baby is being put under anesthesia....worries and fear can creep in. those of you who have been through it with your kids know what i'm talking about, right?)

we had prayed that: we would feel comfortable and safe with the doctors, that God would guide the surgeon's hands, that hudson would go in and come out of it well, that he wouldn't be scared, that he wouldn't ask for food the morning of, and we had prayed for so many other things (big and small) as well. can i just 'give a shout out' to the Lord?!!!

He couldn't have answered our prayers any "better"....if that makes any sense!

from the moment hudson woke that day....to the moment we got home with him that evening, we felt the Lord's presence....every second!! hudson never asked for food/drink that morning (a small miracle), he was NOT scared at all, he was so brave, the surgery went perfectly, the doctors and nurses raved about him (the anesthesiologist told us he's never seen a kid laugh while getting the gas!....he was so impressed with hudson!), he came out of the anesthesia better than we anticipated, and we weren't fearful while he was away from us. i just can't thank my Lord Jesus enough!!! i could go on and on all day....about His goodness and His grace.

monday, april 11, 2011 was a faith building day. it was a day that reminded me to cover all things in prayer (even the smallest of details). it was a day of complete thankfulness. it was a day of joy (especially now that we are finally finished with h's issue). it was a day of peace. it was a day to rejoice! ironically enough (but not really ironic....since the Lord speaks to us in His perfect ways), my devotional that day started off with: "This is the day that I have made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Begin the day with open hands of faith, ready to receive all that I am pouring into this brief portion of your life." WOW....is He good, or what??!!

here are some photos....

in the car....ready to go....all smiles! we had taken hudson to build-a-bear over the weekend, so that he could have a buddy to go into surgery with him! his bear's name is "sergie." get it?!
hudson, sergie, and mimi
can you believe the smiles from this kid??!
hudson also got new mario jammies to wear to the hospital! of course, sergie needed jammies, too!
all dressed in his hospital gear...waiting to go back....
daddy and his boy
hudson and mommy
sweet, sweet nurse....listening to h's heart. she thought he was adorable!
matching caps...
before they wheeled h in, i prayed with him...and we gave him lots of encouragement. can you believe he's still smiling?? this was the last we saw of him, until after the surgery. as soon as he went through the double doors without us, josh and i started crying. hudson was way more brave than his mom and dad!!
i got to go back and be with my boy, as soon as he woke up. he wasn't too happy at first....and he really wanted the i.v. out! he was so sleepy....he laid there so still....and he was sad.
after a short while, they moved h into his very own recovery room. once the popsicles started coming, he was happy! he was ravenous, but he'd eat or drink something...and up it would come about five minutes later. poor boy couldn't keep anything down. that sure didn't stop him from trying, though! he had lots of popsicles, jello, juice, ice, and water!
they wouldn't take h's i.v. out until he peed...and they wouldn't let us leave until he peed. so....we sat....and sat....and sat....and waited...and waited....and waited.....
for over three hours....
until finally.....he peed! :)
after three hours of bad cartoons, and a day of no food for josh, mom, or myself....we were starving and more than ready to go home! we'd never been more excited for pee!

ready to go home!!
he and sergie enjoyed the wheel chair ride out to the car!
hudson threw up a lot on the way home, and he was so sleepy....but he was such a trooper!

the whole day just couldn't have gone any better. we are SOOOO grateful and SOOOO thankful to the Lord!!! when we pray....He hears and He answers!!

*several times throughout the day, i thought about families who "live" at the hospital....with children going through difficult things like cancer and disease. i cannot imagine such a thing. i was reminded to be SO thankful for the health of my boys...and i was reminded to pray for those families and children.*

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear everything went well with Hudson's surgery. You got some great pictures of the little guy, he's so cute! I know exactley what you mean about parents who have to spend a lot of time in a hospital with a sick child, when Rylie was 5 weeks old she had to go back into the hospital for 3 days, it was horrible! I would see families that you could clearly tell had been there awhile, so sad. Makes me think of the Murrey family and their sweet Brielle. I'm glad you & your family found peace during Hudson's surgery. I'm also gald he finally peed! hahahahaha
