Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Want a Good Laugh??

Stuff Christians Like [Book]

I kept hearing about Jon Acuff....and I finally decided to pick up his book- Stuff Christians Like- while I was browsing one night at the Bible book store! I stood there, flipping through it and laughing, in the middle of the aisle...and I was instantly hooked! I took the book, along with a few other items, up to the register, whereupon seeing the book, the male clerk started cracking up! He opened it up and started recounting all the funny parts to the other clerk and I. (I was laughing, he was laughing, we all were laughing. All we needed was some ice cream. Okay, sorry.) Josh was waiting for me in the car, so I hopped in and started reading to him. I'll admit....he didn't laugh quite as hard as I did. But, he's a "tough crowd" sorta guy. Josh is funny, witty, and it takes a lot to get a laugh out of him.

Anyhow, I let Leah borrow the book and she thought it was funny. Of course, some parts are funnier than others. I haven't read the whole thing, but it's a fun book to just pick up, read a bit here and there, and see what catches your eye.

Here's a little sample:


I love when someone asks us to help out at church and instead of saying, "No," we say, "Let me pray about it." Really? I asked you to help me clean up tomorrow night after youth group, and you feel like that's something you need to run past the Savior of the world? He's going to give you the thumbs-up or thumbs-down on whether or not you can help me stack chairs for seven minutes?

Anyhow, I just wanted to share this fun, little book with ya. :) Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I've read the "stuff white people like" and it's hilarious too.
