Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Faithful God

Today is my 14th anniversary! I got teary eyed earlier....looking through wedding photos...and remembering that day. I thought I loved Josh on October 17, 1998....but I had NO idea how much more I would grow to love him over the next fourteen years. Today, I can honestly say that my love for him has grown and deepened....and I pray it continues to do so. The Lord has been so good to us. I look at my three handsome boys....realizing that they are each "products" of our love. I thank God for ALL of my boys!! The Lord has been faithful to Josh and I....and to our growing family. Through joys and hardships...trials and tears....through laughter and sadness...anger and moments of frustration...smiles and elation....HE is the only One who can receive the glory!! All glory, honor, and praise to the One who put Josh and I together....and to the One who blesses us daily. Happy Anniversary, Josh....the love of my life. Thank You, Jesus.....

Friday, August 24, 2012

Quick Update....

Hello....anyone out there?!

Just a few quick updates on our family....

Keaton is six weeks old now, and he is such a sweet, cuddly, and mellow baby (He does hate the car/car seat, however! Ugh.). He is doing long stretches at night....anywhere from 6-8 hours!! :) The boys are LOVING their brother. Honestly, they couldn't be any sweeter, or more patient, with him. God has truly blessed our family! We started school on Tuesday. It is going to be interesting to have an infant around while we teach and work this year. I am hoping that we can get most of our "core" subjects done while the baby naps. Right now, he's laying on the play mat while the boys work. Bryson and Hudson are going to enrichment classes two days each week, so that will be a nice break for all of us. The boys are also taking piano lessons, and I am supposed to sign them up for swim this week! Josh's business is thriving (though it's stressful....daily!). He has even done a photo shoot recently, and will be doing a wedding in 2013. We are all doing well and enjoying what our new "normal" looks like. Lord....thank YOU for the many blessings!!! Keep 'em coming....

Monday, August 6, 2012

more pics of our boy...

Most of these pictures are random shots taken over the past few weeks. Josh's "good" camera broke in the delivery room, then my camera charger went missing- while my camera went dead....soooo....most of our pics have been taken on our phones! :( Anyhow...Keaton is perfect and growing and his big brothers are SO sweet with him!! We are enjoying Keaton very much...and he's even doing 5-6 hour stretches at night....which is amazing. :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Keaton is here!

Keaton Davis Menashe Born on 7-10-12 @ 2:05 pm 7 pounds 5 ounces 20 inches ....the Lord has blessed our family!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Belly Paint!

Today, the boys painted my belly! They had fun creating the world...and a heart (located where Keaton will be born). They wrote his name, too. It was a fun experience for all of us....and the baby was moving the whole time.... :) Update: I will be induced on 7/11....unless he decides to come sooner!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just had to share....

About a month ago, I came across a CUTE, little website called Very Jane. I now get daily emails from them, with their "deals of the day." Lots of things that you can buy through Very Jane are "Etsy-ish" and so cute. Usually, there are great deals and the shipping charges are low as well. It has been fun to purchase a few things here and there....because now, every time I go to the mail box....I wonder if "today's the day" that I will receive something fun! A friend also told me about another site, called Groop Dealz. It's very similar to Very Jane....with darling items, too. Check them out!! I don't think you will be sorry! Happy shopping! :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Praise Report!

Just wanted to share that the baby has turned and is head down!! This is a HUGE praise report!! :) Thank you to those of you who have prayed for us!! I am thirty five weeks along today....and we are pretty much ready for baby Keaton to arrive!! I am so excited to hold him...and to see who he looks like. We have prepared K's room...and I hope to post some pics of that soon. His clothes are washed and in his dresser.....the diapers are ready and waiting...and we think we have everything we need to welcome our little guy! :) Bryson and Hudson were both born at 38 1/2 I am guessing that Keaton will come on (or around) July 4th or 5th. My birthday is the 5th....and that would be a super fun gift!! :) 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

32 Weeks and Counting...

Just a quick update....
I went to the doctor yesterday, and the baby is still breech. He's actually the "worst" type of breech...and the hardest to move. Please pray for us....that the baby would safely turn on his own, or that if he doesn't- Josh and I would have wisdom on whether or not to try the external version, or just opt for the C-section. We still have a month for him to turn....and God can do anything. I just want to mentally be prepared for what lies ahead if he doesn't. We covet your prayers! Thank you, everyone! *On a happier note, this has been an excellent blood pressure is great...and he is measuring perfectly. I passed my second glucose test and I am feeling good. I am just getting anxious to meet this little dude!! :)*

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I have a new email address:

Drop me a line!

xoxo, Kristi

4D ultrasound

This past weekend marked 30 weeks!! We took the boys and had a 4D ultrasound done. It was so fun to get a sneak peek at the baby!! He is breech right now, so we are praying he turns by 36 weeks! I can't decide who he looks like, and we have heard that he looks like : Bryson, Hudson, Josh, and me...haha!! What do you think?!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Can't Complain....

I am SO HORRIBLE at keeping with up with my blog these days!

I just wanted to check in really quick to say..."hi!" I hope you all are doing well. Here are a few, quick updates....

My pregnancy is going well. I am a little over 26 weeks along now and I am feeling pretty darn good. The baby kicks a lot and every time he does, I have vowed to thank God for the life that is growing inside of me. I have always thought/known that "life" is a miracle...but this time around, I am more in awe than the times before this! I don't know why (age....maturity?)....but I watch my belly move and I can't quite grasp that there is a little human inside of me. God is truly amazing and I am thankful that He has given me the task of being a mom to THREE boys (okay...almost three)! I wonder what this little guy's personality will be like....I wonder who he will look like.....and I wonder what the Lord's plan is for his life. I am excited to see everything "unfold!"

Homeschooling is going well...and we are almost done with our first year. I really can't believe it. This year has gone by so quickly. There are some things that I have wanted to do with the boys- that I haven't done......but overall, we have accomplished a lot. The boys have finished lots of their curriculum and we are ahead in most subjects. Bryson will be tested next month, and I am a little nervous about that. I know his scores will be a reflection of what he has- or has not- learned this year. Hudson is reading well....and it's so much fun to see the growth from Sept. until now! Bryson loves science and doing experiments and various projects. :) The boys loved their art classes and are now taking piano lessons. Bryson LOVES piano (so far) and enjoys practicing. He has memorized several of his songs and he seems to pick up on some songs just by hearing them. Bryson actually taught his little bro one of their songs...and he did a better job than I did! :)

Josh is working a ton and is running his contracting business (Protex) on his own now! If you need any home done- please call him!! :) You can email me for his cell number. Anyhow, Josh is working closer to home now...and that has been nice for family dinner time. These days, Josh does very little photography....but I am hoping that when #3 shows up...he will break out the BIG camera and start shooting away! :) It has been fun to see how the Lord has blessed Josh with many different talents and giftings. He is an "artist" and a contractor! Who would have thought??

These little updates are just to give you a small peek at what we have been up to! I can't complain.....the Lord is good to us. There has been (and there will continue to be) lots of change happening around here. We are excited to meet our little Keaton...and we are also excited for summertime! We love the warmer weather...and we even made it to the beach last week, over our Easter break. I love the longer days...and I love listening to the boys play outside. We have MUCH to be thankful for.... :) I really can't complain!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook today...and I loved it and had to copy it! Enjoy....

‎"O dear mothers, you have a very sacred trust reposed in you by God! He hath in effect said to you, "Take this child and nurse it for Me, and I will give thee thy wages." You are called to equip the future man of God, that he may be thoroughly furnished unto every good work. If God spares you, you may live to hear that pretty boy speak to thousands, and you will have the sweet reflection in your heart that the quiet teachings of the nursery led the man to love his God and serve Him. Those who think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. Scarcely can the godly mother quit her home for a place of worship, but dream not that she is lost to the work of the church; far from it, she is doing the best possible service for her Lord. Mothers, the godly training of your offspring is your first and most pressing duty. Christian women, by teaching children the Holy Scriptures, are as much fulfilling their part for the Lord, as Moses in judging Israel, or Solomon in building the temple."
-- Spurgeon

Monday, March 12, 2012

weekend getaway

my dad surprised us all on christmas morning, by telling us he was taking us all to lake arrowhead for a weekend in march. :) this past weekend, we enjoyed our family getaway! our cabin was very spacious and a bit funky. it has seven levels and the kids kept calling it a "mansion in the mountains." there wasn't snow, but josh made up a game that we dubbed "acorn toss." we enjoyed s'mores by the fire, board games, movies, relaxing, mom's meatloaf and chili, shopping around the village, feeding the ducks on the lake, getting frozen yogurt and playing chess, rides in the village, throwing snow at one another (with the small piles of leftovers), getting breakfast at the popular waffle restaurant, drawing on the chalkboard in the cabin, and squeezing in a little photo shoot of the grandkids and their grandparents. it went by too quickly...but it was so fun to get away all together! :) thank you, dad!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

our new classroom

to make room for baby, we moved our classroom downstairs. the new room is bigger and used to be a guest room. the boys and i are enjoying the extra space that we have now....and this week, we did a fun science project- to learn about the phases of the moon! can't believe this school year is flying by so quickly....and next year, i will be teaching while rocking/feeding/tending to a newborn!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our Little Dude!

Here's the little one at 20 weeks!!

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous- how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!" -Psalm 139:13-18a-

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take a vote.....

I get so frustrated with myself...when I am not keeping up with the blog regularly. I really wanted to share pics with you, that we've taken over the last few months. So many things have happened, that I would love to share...but maybe I just need to accept that "it's just not gonna happen!" So...on a totally different note....

There are four names that we are "throwing around" right now, for baby #3. I am asking my faithful few to give me their opinions....

Keaton, Sutton, Dalton, or Merrick
(and the middle name will be Davis for any of those)!

Feel free to leave me a comment with your vote! :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

It's A.....


We are expecting our third boy, in July!

We are very excited (and yes, this baby was planned). I am a little over sixteen weeks along, and starting to feel pretty good. Everything looks great so far. We covet your prayers for a healthy baby!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Anyone still there? I can't believe I haven't blogged in over a MONTH! I have never gone this long without a post. Happy 2012! I am alive and doing well....and I am back! :)

I pray you and your families had a wonderful Christmas season. We did! It was busy- and it went by TOO fast (as it does every year)! We got to do many fun things to celebrate the season....

I am dying to share photos and the "theme" of our Christmas.....but I need to make it quick today, as the boys are schooling right now.

I pray that you are blessed in 2012....and I pray that this year brings us all closer to the Lord. I pray that my relationship with Him deepens this year. I pray that in all that I do, I would please my Savior. I hope this finds you well....and I will be back soon with pictures and updates!

Love, Kristi