Saturday, August 7, 2010

(yo ho, yo ho)...a camper's life for me....

we just got back from camping with lots of our closest friends from church. we got to borrow a friend's trailer and we spent 7 nights in zion (springdale), utah. it was soooo awesome!! i hadn't been camping in 15 years, and many of my friends teased me about it- before we left (since i'm a girly girl). i was determined to have a wonderful week with my family, though...and honestly, i got straight into camp-mode once we arrived. i wore very little makeup each day, i showered at night (...and my showers were limited to 6 minutes each night...except for when i used an extra token), i tubed down the river, i smelled of campfire, i skipped rocks, i hiked through muddy river water, i laid out under the stars, i perspired a lot, i "cooked" in a kitchen the size of my thumb....and the list goes on. for as many "outdoorsy" things that i did, i also drove to town to get my diet coke each day....shopped in the town stores....used my flat-iron on several occasions...and swam in the campground pool.

guess what?? i'd LOVE to do it again. we are already talking about doing it again next year! woo hoo!!

we had an incredible week together...seeing God's creation...and standing in awe of all that His hands made.

we had an incredible week together....not worrying about everyday life.

we had an incredible week together....capturing memories on camera.

we had an incredible week together...sharing meals with dear friends.

we had an incredible week a small amount of space, where we practically had to step over one another!

we had an incredible week together....being stinky and dirty.

we had an incredible week without many luxuries we're used to.

we had an incredible a family.

.....we also had many, i promise to share with you soon, too. lots of stuff went "wrong"....but the good far outweighed those little moments. still....each day something noteworthy happened. josh took nearly 1,000 there's no way i'll even come close to posting all of my favorites on here.....but i will post some soon!! now that august is here, our life will slow down a bit. i hope to blog more (since i've pretty much been m.i.a.)...and i can't wait to show you some pics from our trip!!


  1. You drove right past my house! If I'd known we would of come to Zion to visit you. It's only a 20 min drive for us!

  2. Are you serious??! What a bummer!! I knew you were in Utah....but it's a big state! What city are you in?? Oh man....well, we plan to go back next I'll make sure to tell you before then! My boys would have a great time playing with Chase...and I'd love to see you!!

  3. I don't know why it's posting my comments from Josh....

  4. We live in in the little town of Hurricane Utah! You drove right through it, it's the only way to get to Zion off the 15frwy.

  5. Wow! That's crazy!! We went into your Walmart! That's the nicest, cleanest, most organized Walmart we've ever been in! Josh even told the manager! Ha ha!! Well, when we return, I'll give you a heads up. :)

  6. It's new, next year it won't be so nice! We usually drive into St. George and go to Target! Which is the California girl in me most everyone here loves Walmart!
