Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Looking for God

I am often looking for God.
I look for Him in small things, and in big things, too.
With this whole adoption issue, I am often looking for "signs"...
or ways that the Lord might be speaking to me.
Well, last week....I was exiting the freeway and the license plate on the car right in front of me read: CHNAGAL. I don't know how you read it, but I read it as "China-Gal."
I have to admit that I was taken aback. I asked the Lord...."Is this You, God?? Or is it me...wanting it to be You??"
I need to keep praying to be certain.
Well, on Sunday night we attended a concert at our church.
We had VIP tickets and got to go inside early, for some Q & A with the bands.
One of the bands that played was Esterlyn, and one of the questions that was asked of all the bands was...."How did you choose your band name?"
So...the lead singer from Esterlyn answers and says, "Esterlyn was named for my niece, who was adopted from China."
Again....I freaked out a bit.
Now, maybe I am reading into things.
Maybe I am not.
One day, I will know for sure.
Until then, I will keep looking for God.

**I hopped onto Esterlyn's website/blog tonight and found this post. It was convicting and I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy....

Life is an unusual thing. We toil for seventy-eighty years or so then we die. Often I find myself asking the question of old “what exactly is the purpose of my life?” I entiltled my blog -Only One Life- so i guess I will begin there. I am only one simple person with one short life. I want it to have meaning. It seriously seems like just last week I was shoveling snow with my dad in the cold winter and getting up before dawn to start folding the newspapers for my daily route. But the truth is life is a vapor. It has all gone by so fast. I can’t help but stop and evaluate who I am and what I have or have not accomplished. Today my sister Sarah and I were talking about the importance of perspective in our lives. Sharing stories of people who have sacrificed so much of their comfort and even their normal lives to show a simple love to somebody else. It seems strange to me how we strive for this comfort while on the other side of the world many people are simply begging for a meal. Yet here we are seeking out the perfect job- the perfect house- the best experiences all to attain that glorious “comfort”. Ultimately though what is the end result? We attempt to make ourselves happ to no avail. So there you go…..Is that life- is that why I exist- Is that why God has put me on this Earth to make some money- have a family- enjoy life- and then die? To me that just seems so predictable. I don’t want to live that life. Im not saying those things are bad or even mundane, (they actually can be very beautiful). But in the end what is it all worth? I need perspective. Questions I ask myself………….

1. What drives me?
2. What have I done for someone else today?
3. Is this a good use of my time?
4. What have I accomplished for God’s Kingdom today?

I guess in all my rambling I just want to say to myself and anyone else- we have one short life to live. Lets not waste it living for ourselves. Jesus said it best “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” A servant is a servant its that simple -they are not looking out for their own interests. Millions of lost people in this world. So many hurting and forsaken. Countless children who have been abandoned with no love- with no hope. Lets have an eternal perspective. Lets live a life that has true value. A life we will be proud of when we (not far into the future) leave this world behind…..

Love Somebody-


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