Saturday, August 8, 2009

My New Fiber Fave!

I have recently become addicted to Fiber One bars.
(If you know me, you know that I have serious food addiction issues,
but I will save that for another post!)
Anyhow, I can typically pass up any type of granola/cereal bar....
but one taste of these suckers and I was hooked.
They are low in calories and HIGH in fiber!
You might think that I am a little late in getting on this train,
and you're right...I am. It's not like they are new, or anything!
But- they are new to me, and they are becoming a staple in my diet.
My personal favorite is their Oats and Caramel bar!
The only downside??....My kids love 'em, too....and I don't like to share!
**You can find these tasty treats at any local store! I recently picked up a few boxes at Walmart! They come six to a box and the price is $2.74/box!**

1 comment:

  1. These things are dangerous! Ask me why later! My fave is oats and chocolate!
