Thursday, April 29, 2010

so long, insecurity....

you've been a bad friend to us....

So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore: Download Cover

yep. that's the title of beth moore's book on, well.....insecurity. in her book, beth gives possible reasons for insecurity, funny anecdotes, biblical truths, and tools to overcome it! i devoured this book a few weeks back, and i have already lent it out. you're welcome to borrow my copy(as long as you're close enough to come and get it)....but if you deal with this issue, i highly recommend you buy your own.

beth shares lots of insight and personal stories. she has dealt with insecurity for her entire life. about a year and a half ago, the Lord took her on a personal journey...which resulted in this book. boy, am i thankful that the Lord anointed write and speak His truths to women like me.

here goes nothin'.....

if you've followed me for more than a week, you know that i deal with insecurity. i haven't kept it a secret, and those closest to me know that i am plagued by it. i have been insecure for as long as i can remember. i can't really pinpoint why i am this way, but i know that when i look to anything other than God's Word for my security- i will always feel as though i just don't measure up.

you know- modern day culture is really hard on us. when we watch a tv show, go to the movies, or look at the cover of any magazine.....we hear/see:

you're not pretty enough.....
you're not skinny enough....
you're not smart enough....
you're not rich enough.....
you're not______enough.....(you fill in the blank)

well, i don't know about you...but i am constantly comparing myself to others. so, when i compare myself to the world.....i will never be good enough. but- and this is a big but- if i look to the Lord for security....if i read and internalize His truths about me....i will never feel more beautiful and/or loved. the thing is....i know that God loves me. i know that He delights in me and finds me beautiful. i guess i've just always had a hard time transferring that knowledge to my heart. what i am trying to say is.....i don't know that i've ever really (truly) felt it down deep.

or maybe it's that i have struggled with wanting other people's approval...more than i've cared about the Lord's. one of my "life verses" (i now have too many to count) is galations 1:10. it says, "am i now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? or am i trying to please men? if i were still trying to please men, i would not be a servant of Christ." wow. here's the thing...if my Maker thinks i'm beautiful, why should i care about what anyone else thinks?? if He delights in me, why should i be concerned if others like me or not?

....are you picking up what i'm laying down?? anyone out there "get" me??

in her book, beth encourages us women to stop making comparisons. when we do this- we will always feel inadequate. we are each unique and different, and God has given each of us different talents, purposes, and strengths. basically, we should be comfortable in the skin we're in!

beth also tells us: don't trip another woman's insecurity switch! that was awesome for me hear. what we say to others should be uplifting and encouraging- and our words should not cut or belittle, but rather- they should bless. i pray you're not like me...because i can remember many, many hurtful things that have been said to me. i can remember one of my friends calling me "big boned" throughout our childhood. i remember being called "four eyes" because of my glasses. i can remember a (dumb) boy in high school calling me "mosquito bites" because of my flat chest. (okay, okay....stop laughing!! you're not supposed to think he was funny!!) anyhow, hopefully you get the point. if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all! if we struggle with insecurity....why in the world would we want someone else to feel as miserable as we do?? thinking back has allowed me to see that those people said those things to me, because they were insecure and they wanted the focus off of themselves.

apparently, i could go on and on. i apologize for this post, because it's been all, me, me. i just hope that maybe someone can identify with my struggles and start to take some steps in the right direction. look to the Lord. lay your insecurities out before Him. read His Word to see what He has to say about you. here's a freebie: "the King is entralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." (ps. 45:11)

i will be writing a part two to this post, so that you can see why i'm sayin'.....

so long've been a bad friend to me!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Kristi. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Beth Moore. She is truly annointed. I've done almost every one of her 12? 13? Bible studies. If you haven't yet done Breaking's a great one for something like this. Breaking free from strongholds of all kinds is the focus of the study. She's recently redone it...10 years after her first version. The book is the same, but she's produced new videos and now has many stories from women who have succeeded in breaking free from their various insecurities.
