Friday, April 9, 2010


...i actually feel like a good mom.
it doesn't happen very often, but it did yesterday.
the kids and i went to the beach with lots of our friends (pics coming),
and we had a blast.
it was a gorgeous day. perfect, even.

when we got home, bryson went straight for the hose and started messing around with it.
before i knew it, i had taken over and started a water fight with the boys.
they were soaking wet, and laughing uncontrollably.
bryson asked if he could spray me, and i actually said...yes.

you see, normally, i'd say no right away. i'd say things like...

we don't have time.

i just did my make up.

i don't want my hair to get wet.

and so on, and so on.

it seems that "life" these days is always rushed. hurried. it's: get up, get ready, get out the door....and get to where we need to be. usually, it's school...and then homework, and then dinner and the bedtime routine. this week is bryson's easter break, so we've had time to relax. slow down. be fun.

well, the sprinklers came on at the tail end of our water fight...and the boys ran through them. i did, too. i can't remember the last time i did such a thing. i felt like a kid again. and you know what? it was fun. it felt good. i thought about how the simplest things (the little things) are the things they'll remember when they get older.

last week, bryson asked josh and i to play four square with him. it was a family affair and he loved it. since then, i've heard him tell several friends about it. when i hear him get so excited over simple things, i ask myself why i don't do them more often. why do i nag so much, yet play so little?

it was great to let loose, if you will. to giggle. to laugh. to squeal.
and it felt good to feel like a good mom.
i think i shall try it again soon.


  1. Such a sweet, fun and encouraging story! I hate how the supposedly more important things in life tend to take over. I'm glad you got to let loose and have some fun with your adorable boys.

  2. Thank you so much!! :) I always appreciate your encouraging comments! I totally stinks how "stuff" gets in the way of having fun. Thank you for writing!! :)
