Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry (LATE) Christmas....and Happy New Year!

Just a whole lotta random thoughts I thought I'd share....

I don't know what happened this year, but Christmas seemed to come faster than usual. We spent the month of December celebrating the season, and it passed by so quickly!

I pray that you and your families had a wonderful Christmas!! We did...and it's always a bit sad when it's over.

This year has been, well....trying. God is SO good to us, and He's so faithful. I have seen His hand this year...more than any other year. But, this year has been full of trials. I do feel that the Lord has been refining me. Refining Josh. Refining us. Our marriage has never been better (praise God!), the kids are doing great and they are healthy (praise God!), and we live in abundance. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. Finances are a stress and Josh's job is stressful....but GOD IS GOOD. We have way more than we need and Josh has a we are extremely thankful for that. When I say that this year was full of trials, I believe that it's because the Lord has had some things to teach us. I believe that He is actively working in me and in Josh....and I think we haven't quite finished learning the lessons that He has had for us. I feel like this is a "diary" of sorts and that the reader (being you) will be so confused, but I guess I would have written some of this, had I sent out a Christmas letter and cards!!

A while back, my cousin made a comment about how people try to make everything sound just perfect when they send out an annual letter. Well, I didn't send out a letter....but this is my blog and I thought I'd just go ahead and be honest. Real honest. Some days in 2010 were very hard. Excuse my language, but they "sucked." Some days were awesome! Whether good or bad- most every day in 2010 was a day of growth. We've been through financial trials, we've experienced several health scares with Hudson, we went through behavior and focus issues with Bryson....but through it all.....I can honestly say that, looking back on these things, I wouldn't change them. God proved Himself faithful time and time again...and He continues to do so. He has taught me so much, and I have never been more sure of His love, His grace, His blessings, and His mercy. Let me just insert some Scripture...."Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)

I don't think I have ever been more thankful for friends. This year, the Lord has confirmed His love for me, in that He has continued to bless me with the most amazing friends. I have so many godly women who I can call upon...for prayer, for a listening ear, or just to vent for a minute. The Bible talks about "iron sharpening iron" and that is so applicable for me. I have an incredible support group, and nothing binds hearts together more than studying God's Word together. When I think of all of the amazing ladies that God has surrounded me with...."my cup overfloweth" is what comes to mind.

I do hope that 2011 will be a calmer year for us! I pray that your 2011 will be full of blessings. I hope that each of you had a fabulous Christmas with your families!! We had a wonderful few days together....celebrating with my mom's whole side of the family (on Christmas Eve), and we had a lovely Christmas Day. We started the morning off right- with a reading of Jesus' birth. Then, we opened gifts with my parents and made our traditional Christmas breakfast. The boys played with their gifts, before we headed to Josh's sister's celebrate with his side. The kids had a blast and it was a relaxing, low-key evening together. We ate and played games, and just chatted and hung out. I hope to post pictures soon!

Well, I will end with some pictures of my handsome boys (who have seriously been driving me cuh-ray-zee today!!!!).

I wish you a Merry LATE Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Bryson is eight and is in second grade. He enjoys building Legos and playing his DS. He has a tender heart, full of compassion. He knows how to push all of my buttons, but always redeems himself. He loves my cooking and is a true gentleman. He is doing well in school and Math is his favorite subject. Bryson loves his pet bearded dragon and he loves to "create." He is learning cursive at school and he is actually really enjoying it!! Bryson has a great memory and loves to be around people. He is very sensitive and very caring, but his little brother is "annoying" to him! Bryson is very bright and intuitive. He is also inquisitive and is constantly asking me questions that I don't know the answers to! Bryson is silly, goofy, and quirky...and could care less about what others think of him! Bryson loves Jesus very much!!

Hudson is four and a half and is in preschool this year. He loves to draw, write, and color. He loves Hot Wheels and Legos...and pretty much anything else that his brother is playing with! Hudson is a "man's man" and can't stand anything girly. He is a little stinker, and we pray that his current attitude is just a phase! He asks all sorts of questions about God and he tells us that he loves God the best! We love to hear that! Hudson loves to play outside and loves to take pictures!! Although he loves to play with friends, Hudson can keep himself entertained for hours. Hudson's favorite person in our family is his big brother...and he really wants to be a "big boy!" Hudson does not like to be the center of attention, and tends to be the quiet one. He sulks at times and does NOT like to be in trouble. He has a silly personality and is lots of fun.

....Okay....this post is such a mess. A real writer would freak if he/she read it. Ha!! If you've made it this far...thank you. I am thankful for a place to share my thoughts!!

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