Friday, July 24, 2009

Praying About Adoption....

Josh and I have always "toyed" with the idea of adoption. Recently, however....we have gotten much more serious about it. We attended a seminar back in May, and we are praying about it now. We have always talked about adopting a Chinese baby girl. Since we have two boys of our own, a baby girl would be a fun addition to our family! Plus, this girly girl needs a little pink around here!

It's funny....but right after we attended the seminar, which we didn't tell the boys about, Bryson started asking questions about orphans and orphanages. I decided to go ahead and ask him to pray for our family. Almost nightly, he prays that God "would show our family if we're supposed to get a baby sister." I love the prayers of my children. I know our God and Savior hears them and will answer them.

Within the past couple of months, the Lord has placed several friends in my life....who have adopted, are seeking to adopt, and/or who are a source of information for us. I have often heard people paraphrase the verse in which God tells us to "take care of widows and orphans," though I never looked up the address of that verse! Today, I woke up and grabbed my Bible. I decided to start in James 1, and lo and behold....I came to James 1:27, which says....."Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." You know, He never ceases to amaze me. I love how His Word speaks to me...right where I am at!

I know that my God will lead and guide us, and show us His will....if we seek Him. Please pray for our family. We have some serious praying to do! We are seeking some B-I-G answers from our heavenly Father. I know that He will take the desire away...if that is not what He has for our family's future. I also know that He will provide for us- every step of the way- if He does indeed have a child for us! Thank you for your prayers....

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sister...that is so cool how the Lord speaks to you and answers so clearly sometimes! I will pray for your family and God's guidance with the adoption situation. I am saving all my cute girl clothes for you so Presley can wear them because Carter won't need them! Ha ha! Love you!
