Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
-Joshua 1:9-

On Sunday night, I was on the 91 freeway- driving in the FastTrak lanes. Bryson was with me, since we had gone to visit my good friend (Christy) and her son (Cooper). I was about to get out of the fast lane, when I heard a loud sound and immediately knew there was something wrong. I started to hear the thump...da...thump of my tire, and very quickly I heard the scraping of metal. My car alerted me that my right front tire pressure needed immediate assistance. I put my hazards on and drove very slowly across all of the lanes, until I was in the slow lane. The shoulder was blocked and I didn't know what to do. I stopped (completely)...in the slow lane....kept my foot on the brakes...and kept my hazard lights on. I called Josh in a panic. Bryson was crying in the back seat and I was trying to comfort him and hold it together. Josh told me to call On Star (thank God for them!) and On Star got a highway patrol officer on the line with me. He informed me that it wasn't safe to stay where I was. I knew it, but was afraid to move. I could see cars zipping up behind me and cutting over at the last second. I was so afraid that someone would rear end us. Bryson kept on crying and I asked him..."You know Who is with us wherever we go, right?" He said, "I know...but I am still really scared." I am sure it didn't help that I was telling the lady from On Star that I was afraid someone was going to hit us! Anyhow, I said to Bryson..."Let's pray." I prayed and rubbed his leg, trying to calm him down. Inside, I was freaking out. It's so cool to look back on that night, though...and to see how God gave me supernatural strength. I didn't cry (and I guarantee you that had I been alone....I would have been bawling!) and I was able to console my boy. The lady from On Star was so sweet, too and when Bryson mentioned that he was afraid of the car blowing up...she gently reassured him that she had all of the information on our car in front of her, and that the only problem was the tire. Well, the highway patrol cars got there and blocked the ramp so that I could pull off of the freeway. By that time, Josh (and Hudson) were waiting off the off ramp for us and a tow truck was on the way. Josh helped guide me to the side of the road, and the officers stayed with us until the tow truck got there. There are MANY other details of that night...like how Josh sent me home with the boys...how he stayed to put my spare on....how he couldn't find the tools in my car for a while- because they were seriously hidden....how he finally found the tools...how the spare would NOT come down....how the tow truck dude came back....how Josh finally was able to get the spare down....how he had to call the tow truck dude back for the THIRD time because after he put the spare on, he went to start the car to come home and low and behold-- my car battery had died (or been drained from all of the doors being open and lights being on for so long)! Josh had that poor dude give him a jump and finally made it home. It was a long night, to say the least. I was very shaken up, and so was Bryson. Josh never got stressed or frustrated and was even able to laugh about the situation (not me getting a flat on the freeway, but the other stuff) that night. I saw the Lord's hand in the entire situation. I felt amazed by the fact that He got me through it and that He gave me the strength to "deal." Joshua 1:9 kept coming to my mind, throughout the whole ordeal. After we were safe in Josh's car and on our way home...I asked Bryson if he was okay. I pointed out that the Lord had answered our prayers. I reminded Bryson that even if we had gotten hit by another car...the Lord still would have been with us. I told Bryson that the Lord promises to be with us at all times....but He doesn't promise that bad things won't happen, or that we will never get hurt. As I was telling these things to my son....it was as if I was being reminded of these truths myself. I pray that something like that will not happen again, but I am thankful that Bryson was with me. I would have fallen apart, had I not had to hold it together for him. Bryson said later that he was glad Hudson wasn't with us when it happened. He said, "Hudson would have really freaked out." It was cool to see God's hand in even that part of it. Hudson was supposed to be with me, and at the last minute he decided to stay with Josh. I kept thinking about how hard it would have been to console two boys, while talking to On Star and the highway patrol officers. Thank You, Jesus (for taking the wheel....corny but true!) for Your hand of protection on our car, thank You for giving me Your strength, thank You for a husband who rides up on his white horse (ahem...in his white Tahoe) to save the damsel in distress, and thank You for Your promises. Thank You for reminders that You are with us AT ALL TIMES. Please remember that He is always with you, too. May you feel His presence and call upon His name.

**On a completely different note, I am sooo behind at posting pics, I never wished any of you a Merry Christmas, and I still have packing to do for a trip I am leaving on tomorrow! So....Happy 2010! See you in the New Year!! Please forgive any grammatical errors tonight. It's late!**

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Seeing Santa

We are trying to really teach Hudson that the reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Jesus. We are teaching him that it's not "all about the gifts!" But...he's three and he's very excited. (It's funny, because neither of the boys asked for anything "BIG" this year.) Anyhow...Hudson keeps asking for a book called Mater Saves Christmas. Last weekend, when we were at Bass Pro Shops...the kids happened to see Santa and Hudson informed Santa that he'd like the book. Then, we met up with some good friends of ours this past weekend....for an annual tradition....and Hudson told Santa (again) that he wanted Mater Saves Christmas. After church on Sunday, we went to Wahoo's...where there happened to be another Santa! Santa asked Hudson what he wanted for Christmas and Hudson said, "I just told you yesterday!"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

We're Expecting......!!!

No, I am not expecting (in my tummy, anyway)! But...Josh and I are planning to fill out adoption paper work after the first of the year! I think we are both feeling excited and scared. My man is not one of many words, so it's hard to say what goes on in that head of his....but we are both "on the same page" and feel the Lord calling us to adopt. We are "one" in how and where, as well. This has been a long time coming and God is good! Anyhow, PLEASE keep us in your prayers (and save your adoption horror stories for someone else). We know the road will not be easy. We are prepared to face what the Lord brings our way. We are trusting in His plan. We are expecting Him to show up in a mighty way. So, I just have to share a funny little story, since we are on the subject of adoption...

I took the boys to run some errands the other night and as we were pulling out of the parking lot, Hudson said (in a silly voice), "Bryson....when you're a brand new baby, I will give you your paci!" Bryson then explained that he wouldn't be a baby....since he had been one and was now growing older. I said to both boys, "Maybe if we get a baby...you can give her a paci!" It was then that Bryson said to me, "Mom....you mean you really want to deal with THREE kids for the rest of your life?" Oh boy.....that kid is somethin' else!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Reading....

Having been a Kindergarten (and first grade) teacher, I have TONS of children's books! Now that I am at home with my boys, they get to enjoy the books I collected while teaching! I used to love to read to my students, and now I am blessed to have two boys who LOVE to curl up on my lap and listen to a good story.

Christmas was always such a fun time of year to read to my students! It was always fun to read about how children around the world celebrate Christmas, and we would even cook some of the foods from around the world. Now, I enjoy reading these stories to my boys during the Christmas season.....

The Crippled Lamb
The Crippled Lamb
The Small One
The Small One by Alex Walsh (1995, Hardcover)

The Legend of the Poinsettia
Christmas Books for kids - The Legend of the Poinsettia - A Christmas Story

The Tale of Three Trees
The Tale of Three Trees   -              By: Angela Elwell Hunt                   Illustrated By: Tim Jonke

Too Many Tamales
Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto: Book Cover

Night Tree
Night Tree by Eve Bunting: Book Cover

The Christmas Star
The Christmas Star by Marcus Pfister: Book Cover

Kiersten's Surprise

Happy Reading....and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Part 2: Getting Into the Spirit

We're trying....we really are. I think the problem is that we're trying too hard. I have felt pretty darn crummy all week long....and now our little dude has some sort of stomach bug. He has been happy, but throwing up rather inconsistently today. But don't think we're letting these illnesses stop us from doing anything! Oh no...we're pushing through, going nonstop...and trying to squeeze too much in to one short weekend. I can't breathe, and everything sounds as if I am in some sort of tunnel....but lay low and recuperate? Nope. I mean, how silly would that be. And...one more quick thought...Josh wins "Husband/Father of the Year!" He worked all week and couldn't be much help, but from the moment he got home for the weekend....he has taken over and done EVERYTHING around here. He has cleaned up every puking incident and has catered to me, as well. He is at the store (as I write) getting me some Vicks VapoRub. A few friends told me to rub it all over my feet and then wear socks to bed (Have you ever tried this?). I will keep you posted and let you know if it works. It's supposed to help me be able to breathe tonight! Anyhow, thanks for reading about my woes and please enjoy some more "sub par" photos from our latest adventures!

We decided to take a drive to the Alta Loma Christmas Lights tonight! We invited my parents to come along. We figured....it's raining....it's pouring...it's a perfect night for a drive! Okay...I am being a bit dramatic! The rain let up here and there and it didn't take too long to drive out there. I had heard about the amazing lights in this upscale neighborhood...and let me say that we were all in awe! These pictures don't do the lights justice!! You should definitely make time to take a trip out to Alta Loma. Some of the home owners were outside selling churros and hot cocoa....so we just had to indulge.....(P.S. Hudson got to enjoy the hot cocoa twice....once going in and once coming up!)

Surfin' Santa!

Their electric bill for December must be insane!
We had to take a pic of the dino for Hudson!

After viewing the amazing lights, we headed on over to Richie's Diner for some dinner! Hudson threw up before we ever made it to the table, I went through about 20 Kleenexes, and the boys played "musical chairs" throughout the whole meal! Everyone was happy, though...and we enjoyed a yummy meal!
The Little Puke Monster and his Papa....
I look about as great as I feel. Love B's smile, though!

And....as if we weren't stupid enough, we decided to take the kids to Bass Pro Shops after dinner. I mean, Josh had promised Bryson we could go. We weren't there for too long, but the boys did get to enjoy some free games and they had their pic taken with Santa.

Bryson wanted to warm up by the fire....
My wonderful mom and dad....
...a racing game.....
....some real Redneck fun!
Santa and the kiddos!
Shootin' is serious business, y'all.....
You better watch out! This kid has pretty good aim!

All in all, it was a very fun evening together!! It wasn't the smartest idea to keep Hudson out. He was so happy and sweet, though....even on the way home when he hurled again....all over the car seat, the car door, and himself. Despite our mishaps, we laughed. It's either that or cry, right? Hudson is now sleeping peacefully and the hubby made it home with the Vicks. He also got me some Mucinex (which makes me think of the commercials with the little mucus-y, germ-y guys!), and some soft....lotion-y Kleenexes. I had better end this post. The other night, a friend told me that I seemed "disconnected." Ha ha....I don't just seem it, I am!

Merry Christmas, my friends! In all seriousness, we could use your prayers. I do see that our problems are nothing, compared to what many others are dealing with. It would, however, be nice to breathe without keeping my mouth open...and it would be super-duper to have a healthy kid.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Gettin' Into the Christmas Spirit

We've been having lots of fun around here. We're really "getting into the Christmas spirit!" That is, we were. Things were moving along quite nicely, and then...this week hit. A certain child's behavior has been putting me over the edge, and I am battling a severe cold. I know, I really shouldn't complain. I am just feeling a bit "Scroogy," I guess. I know there are many people who are battling "real" problems and that in the whole scheme of things, my little issues are nothing. And...praise God for that! Anyhow, I am about to share some pictures with you...and it's SO clear to me that my pictures suck. Sorry for the harsh word. It's just happens to be the most fitting. Here I am...married to a photographer...and I can't take a decent photo! It's pathetic. It's disgraceful! I know this post is all over the place, and I apologize. I mainly wanted to share some pics of the fun stuff we've been doing! How I got onto all of those other topics is beyond me. Too much DayQuil, maybe? I just wanted you to know that I know that my pictures are not award worthy. Nonetheless, I'm putting them up.

Early on in the week, Grandma Connie and Aunt Jessica came out for a visit. They brought everything they needed to decorate gingerbread houses with the boys! The boys loved every minute!!

....Always ready to flash his million dollar smile!

I love those chubby hands!
Here are the houses....almost done!
Grandma Connie is very "artsy" and she went back and added tons more to Hudson's house! Grandma and Jessica stayed for dinner and it was a wonderful night together! Why I didn't capture the "finished product" shot...I am not sure!

Last Saturday night, we went with my parents to a production of Narnia- that was held at their church. I had never seen the movie, though we own it...and Josh and Bryson love C.S. Lewis' works! The production was amazing and the boys were glued to it! Hudson was a bit scared during certain parts of it, but he didn't budge for two hours! My mom was in heaven, as he sat on her lap the whole time!

Papa bought cookies for the boys before the show!
Mimi and Papa, the Little Ham, and Prince Bryson!
What a goof ball!
Hudson and Mimi
Bryson....ready for the show....with his hot cocoa in hand!
The "White Witch"....scary!
A very large lion made his way to the stage several times during the show!
The Menashe Clan

What are you doing to get into the spirit???

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


A few Sundays back, I had some "Duh" moments in church! Then, it happened again this past week. My pastor (Jack Hibbs) is doing a series called: When God Came Down. Pastor Jack always gives us TONS of verses to look up. He has shared many with us these past few weeks, and I guess the "Duh" in all of it is that....I never viewed these verses as "Christmas verses." But....when he read them to us, and as I looked them up and reread them....it hit me....that "Duh"....of course they are Christmas verses! So...anyhow....here they are (along with some of my notes from the past few weeks)! Many of the verses listed here are ones that "everyone" knows, and they are verses that I have known all of my life. I am not sure if they will have an impact on you, as they did me. I pray you will be blessed by at least ONE of these verses.

"Christ"= Messiah
"Mas"= gathering around
Christmas= gathering around the Messiah

*Christmas is ALL ABOUT when God came down!*

1. It was according to His plan
a) The God of the Bible planned the rescue

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16-

*Jesus is our Rescuer!*

b) The God of the Bible planned the place
Micah 5:2
c) The God of the Bible planned the method

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. -Isaiah 7:14-

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
God was manifested in the flesh,
Justified in the Spirit,
Seen by angels,
Preached among the Gentiles,
Believed on in the world,
Received up in glory.
-1 Timothy 3:16-

2. His timing was perfect!
a) His timing was foreordained
b) His timing was significant

But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
-Galations 4:4-5-

c) His timing was intentional

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
-John 1:1-3-

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
-John 1:14-

3. There was a divine purpose!
a) He engineered the message

Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
-Luke 2:10-11-

b) He engineered the participants

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, the wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him."
-Matthew 2:1-2-

c) He engineered the outcome

*From Genesis to Revelation, God announces that His Son would come down and join what He created.*

Saturday, December 5, 2009

You Can Call Me..."Cradle Robber!"

This past week, I went on three dates....
with three different guys!
Hey, call me what you want....
but I'd guess that if you had the same opportunities that I did,
you wouldn't have passed these guys up.
I am older than ALL of them, and I have to say....
I really enjoyed "robbing the cradle."
I did pick three really handsome guys.
We went to some really fun places!
I can't pick a favorite date....they were all so much fun!

DATE #1:

My first date was last Sat. night....with my hubby! I didn't capture any photos of the two of us that night. Josh and I went shopping (It was his one shopping trip for the year!), and then out to eat at Yard House. We shared a bunch of appetizers and some yummy desserts! Then, we snuck in a flick!! It was SO much fun! He and I had a blast and it was great to have that one-on-one time!

DATE #2:

SO....my second date was with this guy!
Bryson was so excited about our date that he paid good money (75 Bible Bucks!) for this beautiful ring. As we were about to head off on our date, he presented me with it! SO stinkin' cute! I must say that giving a woman jewelry will always give you an advantage!

Bryson and I hardly ever get time for "just the two of us"....and it was much needed!

We headed over to Paint A Memory.....and my handsome dude even opened the doors for me! He always says, "Ladies first." He is going to be a true gentleman...I can already tell.

My little date was so thrilled! He loves art!

We got to sit at our own little table, and we used all the brushes!!

Bryson painted a cross (brown with squiggly red lines down it- for Jesus' blood)...and a Christmas tree dish! It was really hard for me to let him choose what he wanted to paint. I would have picked many other things!!

He was very serious about his work!

After we painted, we headed to Target, where Bryson got an Icee (which he's usually not allowed to have) and popcorn. He also got to pick out a Bakugan (I don't get the fascination with these things....but he loves them!)

DATE #3:

My final date of the week was with this little angel.
Our church holds an "Angel Breakfast" each Christmas season, and it's for kids (ages 3-Kind.) and their parents. I had never been to one and it was incredible. The amount of time and energy that went into putting on this beautiful event is unbelievable!!

The little angel posing by some gifts!

While we ate eggs, french toast strips, sausage, cinnamon rolls, bread, and fruit....an adorable puppet show was put on for us!

We all sang 'Happy Birthday to Jesus' and the kids got a cupcake!
The decorations were soooo cute!
We got to hear the story of Jesus' birth, and each child got to play a part in the story.

"You want me to play a....what???"

"Okay, fine....I will do it....just this once!"
We went on a scavenger hunt, to find 25 things...that help tell the Christmas story!

Here is Hudson finding some of our items!

It's snowing.....in Chino Hills! Who knew....??
Hudson loved frolicking in the snow!
We made an angel ornament for our tree!

I had an awesome time with each of these dudes! I am so blessed! I know people don't always understand how you can juggle more than one man at a time....but I think I can manage!!