Monday, January 11, 2010

You Know You're A Mom of Boys When:

*farting and burping are the musical backgrounds in your home.

*unusual objects show up in the dryer's lint screen, because they were left in pockets.

*you find daily surprises in your toilets.

*lizards and bugs are the desired pets.

*you find dirty socks all over the place.

*every piece of furniture is used as if it were gym equipment.

*no matter how many times you tell them to whisper, they just can't do it.

*giggling, laughter, crying, sword-fighting, and arguing are a part of everyday

*stairs become slides.

*boogers are a delicacy.

*you never knew your heart could hold so much love- but now it overflows with it.

*you never imagined such joy, yet joy is such a constant.

*you could just eat them up because you love them so.

*you find yourself staring at them while they sleep, because that's about the only time they're still.

*worry is what you do about 99.9% of the time.

*you hear how beautiful you are from at least one of them everyday.

*you could squeeze them all day long (sometimes because they're so stinkin' cute and sometimes because you want to wring their little necks!).

*you find yourself in awe of what God created.

*you smile at how cute they are.

*all you want is to raise them to be men of God.

*you wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. This was a great post Kristi! Having helped raise and sharing a bathroom with my nephew Jake over the years I found this post quite funny!! "Boogers are a delicacy" was my favorite!!! hahahaha gotta love little boys. And why is it that even once they're grown men farting & burping is still hilarious to them?!?!hahahahaha

  2. Thanks, Julie!! :) I bet your precious girl won't do any of these "boy things!" I know....they do still think it's so funny!! I think it's because even once they are grown, they are still boys! :)

  3. I will never forget when Chase was in the bathtub and farted! Then laughed and said"Mom did you hear that? That was a good one!" He was only two!!! Boys!

  4. Lori- Oh my gosh! They are too funny! Mine call us to come and "check out how big my poop is!" Two is so little to be laughin' about fartin'.....too funny!!
