Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day of First Grade

People always told me that once you have kids, time will pass you by at an incredible speed. I never believed it. Then, I had kids. Our summer flew by, Sunday was Bryson's 7th birthday....and today is his first day of school. We met his teacher (the adorable Mrs. Irwin) yesterday and this morning, it was back to the old grind! Getting up early is not this family's strong suit. "Out the door" by 7:30 is a major challenge! However, I got everything laid out last night...and put the kids to bed at 7 pm. Our morning was still a whirlwind, but Bryson was in good spirits as we headed off to FIRST grade! His best buddies are in his class again this year, and Bryson's teacher seems so sweet and super organized! We are so excited for another year at CCS! I pray that my big boy's first day is going great for him!

My mom used to send me with flowers for my teachers (on the first day of school) and I have vowed to do the same for my boys' teachers!

On our way to school!

....still happy!

Bryson and his "good buddy," Liam!
(Is it just me, or do these two look like they could be brothers?)

Bryson's first desk! (Last year, he was at a table with other kids!)

Mrs. Irwin....asking the kids if they had smiles on their faces
as they brushed their teeth this morning?!

Little Brother was smiling here, but started to get upset soon after!
He did not want Bryson to go back to school!

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