Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Comical Kid

So, Bryson is a pretty funny kid. Always has been....pretty sure he always will be. He is very inquisitive, he's witty, he's sarcastic, and he's observant. He has said some pretty funny things lately, so I thought I would share!

*On our way home from school...

Bryson: Mom, Nathan says that Elizabeth has a crush on him!

Me: Oh yeah? What does that have a crush?

Bryson: You know, it means that you think he's handsome, or you think she's beautiful! mean you don't know what a crush is?!

Me: Yes, I know what a crush is, Bryson. I just wondered what you thought it meant!

*On our way to the optometrist last week...

Bryson: Mom, if I can't read the letters, you just tell me what they are, okay?

Me: No, Bryson....I can't tell you what the letters are. The doctor is checking your eyes.

Bryson: I know, but I really want a good report.

Me: But, just have to do your best. That would be like cheating...if I told you.

Bryson: Well on TV and stuff, girls are more attracted to boys who don't have glasses.

Me: want girls to be attracted to you?

Bryson: Well, yeah.....well, I guess one's enough!

*Bryson also asks some pretty interesting questions:

-"Mom, what made you pick dad for a husband?"

-(As he was praying last week)...."and Lord, thank You for blessing us and blessing us. My cup.....hey mom, what's that verse about my 'cup runs over?' (Me: "Psalm 23")....oh yeah...and Lord, just like You tell us in Psalm 23, my cup runs over because you keep blessing us."

-Bryson just got home from school and I said...."Hey, you forgot to hug me." He said, " you really think I would forget that....any day? Any, any, any day?!"

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