Tuesday, March 30, 2010

10 things you may not know

i got this idea from beth moore's blog. (her blog is www.blog.lproof.org) beth is one of my favorite Bible teachers. she is so anointed and i have learned so much through her teachings. praise God. anyway....recently, beth shared ten things about herself on her blog. things that we may not have known about her. quirky things, even. i try really hard to be authentic. transparent. real. but, nonetheless....here are ten things that you may not know...

1. i must (absolutely must) have something on my lips at ALL times. i don't care if it's lipstick, lipgloss, lip balm, or chapstick...but i hate the feeling of nothing on my lips. it makes me crazy. in fact, it's so important that i have something on my lips at all times, that in nearly every room of my house...you can find a hidden lip product of some sort. i also carry at least ten options in my purse, and have four additional choices in a compartment in my car! i am not exaggerating!

2. i have never had broken a bone, or stitches (aside from the "giving birth" type). i did have a butterfly bandage at a young age...but that's it.

3. i love to read. it's my favorite thing to do! i have a shelf full of books that are yet to be read. i can even read several books at one time. i love cute bookmarks, too. yep...i am totally cheesy like that! i have a kindle, which i love....but i also love making trips to the book store! i could spend hours perusing. (and...i refuse to buy a book without a coupon.)

4. i can't stand things being out of order. i make my family crazy, because everything has to be picked up....all the time. however, there are many "junk" drawers in my home. josh calls me a "shover." and, i hate to admit it, but he's right. my counters (and everything that can be seen) need to be clean and orderly....but i am okay with messy drawers. weird.

5. i have several legal addictions. i can't go a day without a diet coke. i pretty much eat frozen yogurt everyday. i am a total fast-food junkie (del taco's bean and cheese burritos are at the top of my list). i go through certain "kicks," or phases. right now, they happen to be homemade granola and sweet tarts (not together!).

6. i have self-diagnosed ocd (obsessive-compulsive disorder). i don't take medicine for it. maybe i should. ha. well, at least that explains numbers 1, 4, 5, and 8.

7. i hate spending money on gift bags. i don't re-gift, but you can bet i re-bag! aside from the 99 cent- set of two- bags i bought today....i can't remember the last time i purchased a bag.

8. i shower twice a day. what? i like to be clean. is that a problem? well, my parents thought so, when i lived at home. they wanted me to see a shrink. i can tell you what the shrink would have said....."she has ocd."

9. i have a thing for pens. i have a certain kind i like to use, but i enjoy buying and trying out different ones. i like markers, pencils, erasers, cute pencil cases, and flowery journals, too! did i stop maturing in high school, or what?

10. i am a lefty. i hate my writing, but i am somewhat of a perfectionist. i carry correction tape in my cute pencil cases and in my Bibles. i am constantly using the tape to cover up the ugly writing. in fifth grade, i won the "pen and quill" contest in my class at school...and got to compete against lots of other students from the same district. i didn't win.

well, there you have it. my ten. what have you learned??
a) i'm pretty boring
b) i'm pretty quirky
c) i'm pretty sarcastic :)
d) i'm pretty clean
e) all of the above

what are your ten? do share. i am very insecure (#11, maybe?!) and your quirks may help me to feel a bit more normal?! ha ha....

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun With Friends....In The Snow!

Our friends (the Green's) asked us to join them for a fun weekend in Green Valley Lake. Their son, Nathan, is one of Bryson's best friends! The boys were in the same Kinder class together and now they are together again...in first grade! The Green's go to church with us and Michele (the mommy) and I are in Bible study together. Our friendship sparked last summer, and it's been really cool to get to know them!! We go to lunch with the Green's just about every Sunday after church and the kids all have a blast playing together while the adults chat! Nathan turns eight this week, so the trip was a fun way to help celebrate his birthday!

This past weekend, we stayed at the cabin together...and ate, relaxed, went tubing at Big Bear's Snow Play, sat by the fire, read, had pizza at a great, little place in Big Bear, sang to the cute birthday boy, stopped for a malt at a tiny malt shop in Green Valley Lake, went sledding, practiced snowboarding....and the list goes on. We had such a blast and it was over too quickly!!

This picture looks like a CD cover to me. Not sure why...??

Michele and Emma....

...going up the escalator with my boy!

...waiting in line....to go down!

This was such a fun day....as a family and with friends!!

Josh and I are plotting to steal this one and bring her home!

Bryson went down the slope and didn't get a chance to move out of the way, before Josh sent Hudson and I down. Hudson and I crashed right into B, and we all flew out of our tubes. I landed on top of Hudson and B was okay, but shaken up. His face got scraped up and I think the wind got knocked out of Hudson....but overall, we were okay. Thank God.

Bryson felt like it was his fault, for not moving out of the way. He was sad for a little while...

...Emma all cute and smiley and Hudson...still upset from the crash!

Happy again...and taking a breather!

Nathan had tons of fun!

Mommy and her boys!

Our happy family!

Hudson found a huge pine cone!

And the next day.....

My boys, making the trek to the top of the hill!

Nathan....and the cabin (in the background)!!

...my feeble attempt at being artsy!

100% pure cuteness!

This boy loves "all things snow."

....getting ready for a run down the hill.....

....love me a man who can board!

Poor Michele....getting her jeans all wet....but making good on her promise to build a snowman!

I want to snack on those cheeks...

A snow-girl!

Emma and the snowman.....

I didn't take any snow gear for myself, so I wore Josh's shoes. My tennis shoes were still soaked through from tubing the day before.....

...the birthday boy on his board!

Josh went sledding with Emma and Hudson....

Smile for mom!

....it was very bright out!....and B is sportin' his wound from our crash the day before!

....love those lashes!

B had a blast!!

(I am feeling really bad that there are no pics of Steve on here! He helped Bryson snowboard and he helped with the snowman...and I didn't get any close ups of him! Sorry, Steve! He doesn't like to be the center of attention, so I am sure he won't be heartbroken....but still....)

Short Videos Of Our Weekend!

Here are some clips from our fun weekend in the snow!

Josh took Hudson with him on a run!

Bryson did really well, for his first time on a snowboard!

Josh took Emma on a run, too! Don't you think he needs a girl?!

Tubing in Big Bear! So fun!

All eight of us went down together....a tube train!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Butt Face"

(Please forgive me for the title, but I just couldn't resist.)

Did you ever hear that old wives tale about how Preparation H will get rid of your wrinkles?? Well, about three weeks ago....I decided to see if it's true or not. I have the infamous "11," as my friend so lovingly called it. The "11" would be the two creases/wrinkles between my eyes (on my forehead)....that are caused from squinting (or the excessive usage of "angry eyes"). Do you have the "11," too? If you're lucky, you may just have the "1"...and if you're not so lucky.....you may even have the "111." Go on....go check in the mirror. I'll wait.

Forgive me, again...for the large photo of myself. It's only on here because it shows my "11." You know how insecure I am and that, normally, I would not put a big pic of myself up on here (and esp. not one in which I look stoned or half asleep)!

Okay, so I went to Target (my home away from home) and I was all set to purchase some Preparation H. But, then...I looked...and what did I see??

The cheap version!
It's Target's "up&up" brand, and the price was a mere $3.44! I couldn't resist! I had to know if the stuff would really work. I had to perform my very own "Mythbusters," if you will. But- at the same time....I was being cheap about it. If it wasn't going to work, I didn't want to have put lots of money into my project.

Okay....you're just dying to know if it works, aren't you?? Well, it's three weeks later....




I do feel that I can see a noticeable difference in my "11!!" One of the lines is completely gone, while the other is still there but much more faint than before.

Sorry, yet again, for the horrible pic of myself. It should be very obvious that Josh wasn't home...and I was left to my own devices (ahem, my own photography skills- or lack thereof!). He will cringe when he sees this, which will then make his "11" very noticeable.

Anyhow, I wanted you to know that using this "butt cream" (on your face) every night for a few weeks will leave you feeling refreshed. Renewed. Tighter even. I am now using it on the bags under my eyes, too!

You should try it. And then pass the good (cheap) news along. Save yourself and your friends a trip (and mucho dinero) to the Med Spa for Botox! Your sister might ask if you're a "butt face," like mine did....but you're a grown up, so you can take it!!

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
-2 Cor. 4:16-

Monday, March 22, 2010

Who Knew??

Mason bee on flower

This past weekend, I was in my kitchen when I noticed a black bee in the window! It was inside the house, trying to climb the window and it wanted out! I freaked out and made Bryson run to get Josh. Josh came in, wrapped the bee in a napkin, and took it out back to release it. I tried to get him to just kill it- but he wouldn't.
About ten minutes later, I walked back into the kitchen and lo and behold- there was the dang bee! Inside! Again! Josh had gone to run an errand, so it was up to me to take care of it. I was not about to gently wrap it and release it. Nope. I grabbed the fly swatter and smashed it....and then threw it into the trash ('That'll teach him,' I thought to myself).
About an hour went by and I was back in the kitchen. Can you believe that there was ANOTHER bee inside my house?? In the window! Climbing to get out! Josh was back and I made him kill it. Okay....the freaky thing is that after I saw the second one, I plugged the holes in my window with napkins! I wasn't sure how those things were getting in, but I started to have some serious eebie jeebies (I don't know how you spell those words, but you know what I mean, right?). Josh went out and sprayed around the window...and we never saw any more. But, I am still getting "weirded" out when I go into the kitchen. I keep expecting a black bee to be in there!!
Come to find out (through extensive research...ha ha), the particular bee we had is called a Blue Orchard Mason Bee. They can get into tiny places and crawl into any hole their size. They emerge in early Spring. They are gentle bees and pollinate fruits. I have an orchid in the window, so we are not sure if they wanted to pollinate that....but it's just interesting (and creepy) that we had so many "visitors" that day! Now, if you happen to see a black bee in your home- you will know what it is!! Or, maybe you're a lot smarter than me, and you already knew!!

Since we're on the subject of bees, and they make honey....here's a verse for ya!

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
-Proverbs 16:24

Friday, March 19, 2010

Only You

If you've been on my blog much, you know that from time to time I like to share lyrics from songs that are meaningful to me. The lyrics below are from a song titled Only You. This song brings me to my knees each time I hear it. It's the most worshipful song I know and there's something so intimate about it. I love my David Crowder Band version, on their album titled Illuminate. I highly recommend this album!! Also, I was so excited to purchase Adie Camp's album this past week. Adie is Jeremy Camp's wife and she just released her second solo album, titled Just You and Me. The last song on her album is Only You! I was so surprised to hear it and so excited!! Her album is full of worship songs and I am loving it!

Only You

Take my heart, I lay it down
At the feet of You who's crowned
Take my life, I’m letting go
I lift it up to You who’s throned

And I will worship You, Lord
Only You, Lord
And I will bow down before You
Only You, Lord

Take my fret, take my fear
All I have, I’m leaving here
Be all my hopes, be all my dreams
You're my delight, be my everything

And I will worship You, Lord
Only You, Lord
And I will bow down before You
Only You, Lord

And It’s just You and me here now
Only You and me here now

There are some songs that you hear and you just get "goose bumps." This is one of them. I can't help but bend the knee or get on my face....and belt it out! Thank you, Lord, that this life...our very existence(s) are all about You (whether we acknowledge that truth or not). You alone. My life should be focused....on Only You.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cry Out.....

Do you ever just feel like crying out? Complaining? Do you give into it?

I do! Women, by nature, are emotional creatures. I, for some lovely reason, tend to be even more emotional than your Average Jane. This past weekend, I had a good cry. Thank God, it didn't turn into the ugly cry. And....my good cry just happened to be on the way to a double date with my hubby and some friends. Thankfully, I pulled it together before we got to the restaurant...though I am sure they were wondering why my eyes were red and I had no blush left!

I don't know if you feel the same, but I think it's okay to cry. Yep. I said it. Sometimes, we just have to give into those emotions. Let it out. Ya know?

This morning, as I was working on my Bible study....I was in Psalm 120. Psalm 120 starts off by saying...."In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me....."
Then, my study took me to Psalm 142:1-2...."I cry aloud to the Lord; I plead aloud to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before Him; I reveal my trouble to Him."

Isn't it a relief to know that we have been granted permission to cry out to the Lord? In my study, Beth (Moore) says...."Bringing our complaint before God is much more effective than dumping it on other people." Yet, how often do I dump my complaints onto my friends?! I will tell you how often.....nearly everyday! I actually recently wrote this verse on an index card and taped it to my computer....

-Phil. 2:14

Every time I sit down at the computer, I see this reminder. It's hard.....really hard.....for me not to complain or argue. But, I loved seeing in my study today that I have Someone who is always ready to listen....be it to my cries, or my complaints. I shall take them to Him....first! I challenge you to do the same!! Be blessed today...and cry out to Him if you need to. (Don't worry....it's okay to cry.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Could Be Bad!!

I found a delicious blog this morning and I wanted to share it with you! So kind of me, right?!

WARNING: It could be hazardous to your waistline.



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Sticks And Stones....

...may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

The old saying is definitely not true for me. Wounds from words, and hurtful things said, stick to me like glue (like white on rice, like....well, you get the idea). I can remember things that others said to me 15+ years ago, that hurt me and/or made me feel stupid. And, you can be sure I remember what so-and-so said last week that cut deep(ly). I am sure that you can easily think of a time when someone said something to you that hurt you as well.

This morning, I said something hurtful to my husband. To be honest, I am not sure if he felt hurt by it or not, but as soon as I said it....I wished I could have taken it back. And...that's the thing about our words. Once they're out, there's no gettin' them back. I have heard the analogy before- about squeezing toothpaste out of the tube and then trying to get the toothpaste back into the tube. You can't do it. No matter how hard we may try to put that paste back, it's not going back into that tube. It's the same with our words. Once they are on our tongues...once they are spoken....it's too late to take them back.

"...the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person....." (James 3:5-6)

Hopefully, if you are like me and can remember hurtful words said to you, you have forgiven the person who said them. I have to admit that, at times, I will feel like I've forgiven a certain person and then something will "pop back up again," that hurt will resurface, and I have to forgive again. The Bible tells us that we are to keep forgiving.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Eph. 4:32)

As usual, I am all over the place in this post....but the moral of the story is:

*Be mindful of what you say.
"With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness." (James 3:9)

*Think before you speak.
"Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be."
(James 3:10)

*Forgive others who have hurt you.
"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." (Matt. 6:14)
"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." (Col. 3:13)

*Use your tongue to say loving and kind things.
"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt..."
(Col. 4:6)
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
(1 Cor. 13:4-8a)

So, who's with me??! Go out and say something nice to someone today. Use that 'lil pie hole to bless. Be kind. Be loving. Be forgiving. For me, it's a moment by moment choice. And....today....this moment....I am trying to use my mouth for good.

...You've heard it here before and I'll say it again....my new "life" verse is:

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14)

Monday, March 8, 2010

We've Got Some Teaching To Do Around Here....

Yesterday, we were happily driving along and Hudson was flipping through his Bible. He came to this page (of Noah building the ark) and said....

"Jesus likes to play bid-ee-oh games?!"

Um, yeah.....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

This Kid....

..tells me he loves me in such cute ways!

Today, I got an "I love you"...made out of Legos!

He came into my room and told me not to peek. Then, he said, "Surprise!"
Too cute, this boy. He tests me daily....but I never doubt his love for me.
I love you, too, Bryson!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Ten Under $10

This is my list of ten (really cheap) essentials.....
These are items that you can find for under $10....and I use/eat/wear all of these items on a daily (or weekly) basis!! Enjoy!

#1= Carmex Cherry Stick
(Cheap. Fresh. It works! 'Nuf said!)


#2= Johnson's Baby Oil
(I use this as a CHEAP make up remover!!)

Product Image Johnson's Baby Oil, 20 fl oz (591 ml)

#3= Dial Body Wash- Lavender & Twilight
(This smells so yummy!! It leaves you feeling good n' clean!)

Dial Bodywash Lavender & Twilight Jasmine Clean & Refresh 18 fl oz, 2pk

#4= Pentel EnerGel Pen- black
(Love the way this pen writes....smooth....thin line....aahhh!! They are somewhat hard to find, but you can get a 6 pack at Staples, so it'll last ya a while!)

Pentel EnerGel Liquid Gel Roller Ball Pen

#5= Sharpie Highlighter
(These highlight smoothly and are easy to use. They seem to last a long time and you can buy a two pack at Target for a buck! I like to use them in my Bible study books!)

#6= Neutrogena Norweigan Formula Hand Cream
(This stuff goes on nicely....you don't need very much...and it's not greasy!)
Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream, Fragrance Free

#7= K Cup....Donut Shop- by Coffee People
(Okay....so you do have to own a Keurig coffee maker to use the K Cups....but this coffee is yummy! My friend, Theresa, introduced it to me. I like a medium blend!)

Coffee People, Donut Shop Coffee K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 18 ...

#8= Fiber One 90 Calorie Bars- Chocolate Peanut Butter
(So yummy. So chewy. So low cal!)

Fiber One 90 Calorie Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter, 5 bars

#9= Streams In The Desert Devotional- by L.B. Cowman and James Reimann
(Okay...from Amazon it's $10.79- so I am kinda cheating. This is a small book of daily devotionals- originally printed in 1925...packed full of insightful "nuggets!" Mine is a revised edition!)

Product Details

#10= Coffee-mate Sugar Free French Vanilla- liquid
(I love to put this in my Donut Shop coffee!! Yum! A little bit goes a long way!)
Sugar Free French Vanilla Liquid

So, tell me....what are your ten?!

*I am thinking of doing a list of "ten over ten" and I can bet you that one will be easier!!*
(Please forgive my Coffee-mate picture. It doesn't feel like cooperating.)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Writing, Whining, and Winning The Battle....

Bryson hates writing (like...the actual act of it!). There's just no other way to put it. We have struggled all year long with his homework assignments that consist of any type of writing. I have spared you numerous, frustration-filled posts about it. Bryson is doing well in school and excels in math. I have no trouble getting him to do his math homework....but oh man, the spelling?? Well, you can just forget it! I have tried buying him special pencils, disciplining, taking things away, praising, and our most current technique....??....bribery. Think what you want, but for my own sanity, Josh and I had to come up with something that works. Each kid is different and we all parent in different ways as well. Don't judge me and I won't judge you. (Well, I might but I won't tell you to your face! I will just think it in my head!. It's the sinful nature in me. Okay....sorry. Back to the issue at hand.)

Writing. Ugh. Double Ugh.

A little over a month ago, you could have found me doing a number of different things....

....things such as: crying, praying, yelling (after an hour of not giving in to losing my patience), laying face down on the floor crying and praying.....calling a friend to vent about it, emailing B's teacher about it, and/or calling Josh and insisting that he come home and deal with the homework tantrum(s). I was at my wit's end. I had had enough. I was tired. Angry. Annoyed. Frustrated. Worn out. Worn down. And did I mention tired?

Well, for the past five weeks, it's been smooth sailing. Why?? Because Bryson was trying to earn a reward of some sort. He was told that he had to make it through a week without any fuss. Then, we made it a bit harder. He had to work for two weeks to earn the reward. At the end of this week, he will have worked for three weeks to earn his third reward. The reward at hand is so close, yet so far away....

Today, Bryson did his math papers with no problem. He started to melt down when I told him about the rest of the work he had to do. I reminded him that this was the "last" week he had to complete, to earn his reward (a DS game...his choice). He told me that he was really trying to not freak out and then....he asked me the most awesome thing...

"Mom, can you please pray with me?"

I was happy to oblige and could have kicked myself for not thinking to do that before my seven year old did. My boy constantly amazes me. We prayed together...him leaning on my shoulder, hugging me, trying not to cry- but slightly doing so....and then he went upstairs to finish his work. Before he left the room, B kissed me and told me how much he loved me....twice.

Bryson was able to finish up his homework....albeit with a few more reminders and some slight whining. When Bryson came downstairs with the last of his papers completed, there was something folded up on top of his work.

Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers. Thank You for a successful day. Thank You for showing Yourself faithful not only to me, but to my kid. Thank You that hard work pays off. Thank You for the "fruit." Thank You for this boy of mine. Thank You that, for today....we won the battle.