Monday, March 1, 2010

Writing, Whining, and Winning The Battle....

Bryson hates writing (like...the actual act of it!). There's just no other way to put it. We have struggled all year long with his homework assignments that consist of any type of writing. I have spared you numerous, frustration-filled posts about it. Bryson is doing well in school and excels in math. I have no trouble getting him to do his math homework....but oh man, the spelling?? Well, you can just forget it! I have tried buying him special pencils, disciplining, taking things away, praising, and our most current technique....??....bribery. Think what you want, but for my own sanity, Josh and I had to come up with something that works. Each kid is different and we all parent in different ways as well. Don't judge me and I won't judge you. (Well, I might but I won't tell you to your face! I will just think it in my head!. It's the sinful nature in me. Okay....sorry. Back to the issue at hand.)

Writing. Ugh. Double Ugh.

A little over a month ago, you could have found me doing a number of different things....

....things such as: crying, praying, yelling (after an hour of not giving in to losing my patience), laying face down on the floor crying and praying.....calling a friend to vent about it, emailing B's teacher about it, and/or calling Josh and insisting that he come home and deal with the homework tantrum(s). I was at my wit's end. I had had enough. I was tired. Angry. Annoyed. Frustrated. Worn out. Worn down. And did I mention tired?

Well, for the past five weeks, it's been smooth sailing. Why?? Because Bryson was trying to earn a reward of some sort. He was told that he had to make it through a week without any fuss. Then, we made it a bit harder. He had to work for two weeks to earn the reward. At the end of this week, he will have worked for three weeks to earn his third reward. The reward at hand is so close, yet so far away....

Today, Bryson did his math papers with no problem. He started to melt down when I told him about the rest of the work he had to do. I reminded him that this was the "last" week he had to complete, to earn his reward (a DS game...his choice). He told me that he was really trying to not freak out and then....he asked me the most awesome thing...

"Mom, can you please pray with me?"

I was happy to oblige and could have kicked myself for not thinking to do that before my seven year old did. My boy constantly amazes me. We prayed together...him leaning on my shoulder, hugging me, trying not to cry- but slightly doing so....and then he went upstairs to finish his work. Before he left the room, B kissed me and told me how much he loved me....twice.

Bryson was able to finish up his homework....albeit with a few more reminders and some slight whining. When Bryson came downstairs with the last of his papers completed, there was something folded up on top of his work.

Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers. Thank You for a successful day. Thank You for showing Yourself faithful not only to me, but to my kid. Thank You that hard work pays off. Thank You for the "fruit." Thank You for this boy of mine. Thank You that, for today....we won the battle.


  1. What a special little boy you have! He is so caring!

  2. Awesome post! This is another thing our boys have in common. Owen hates writing too...but like writing sentences or stories.
