Tuesday, March 30, 2010

10 things you may not know

i got this idea from beth moore's blog. (her blog is www.blog.lproof.org) beth is one of my favorite Bible teachers. she is so anointed and i have learned so much through her teachings. praise God. anyway....recently, beth shared ten things about herself on her blog. things that we may not have known about her. quirky things, even. i try really hard to be authentic. transparent. real. but, nonetheless....here are ten things that you may not know...

1. i must (absolutely must) have something on my lips at ALL times. i don't care if it's lipstick, lipgloss, lip balm, or chapstick...but i hate the feeling of nothing on my lips. it makes me crazy. in fact, it's so important that i have something on my lips at all times, that in nearly every room of my house...you can find a hidden lip product of some sort. i also carry at least ten options in my purse, and have four additional choices in a compartment in my car! i am not exaggerating!

2. i have never had broken a bone, or stitches (aside from the "giving birth" type). i did have a butterfly bandage at a young age...but that's it.

3. i love to read. it's my favorite thing to do! i have a shelf full of books that are yet to be read. i can even read several books at one time. i love cute bookmarks, too. yep...i am totally cheesy like that! i have a kindle, which i love....but i also love making trips to the book store! i could spend hours perusing. (and...i refuse to buy a book without a coupon.)

4. i can't stand things being out of order. i make my family crazy, because everything has to be picked up....all the time. however, there are many "junk" drawers in my home. josh calls me a "shover." and, i hate to admit it, but he's right. my counters (and everything that can be seen) need to be clean and orderly....but i am okay with messy drawers. weird.

5. i have several legal addictions. i can't go a day without a diet coke. i pretty much eat frozen yogurt everyday. i am a total fast-food junkie (del taco's bean and cheese burritos are at the top of my list). i go through certain "kicks," or phases. right now, they happen to be homemade granola and sweet tarts (not together!).

6. i have self-diagnosed ocd (obsessive-compulsive disorder). i don't take medicine for it. maybe i should. ha. well, at least that explains numbers 1, 4, 5, and 8.

7. i hate spending money on gift bags. i don't re-gift, but you can bet i re-bag! aside from the 99 cent- set of two- bags i bought today....i can't remember the last time i purchased a bag.

8. i shower twice a day. what? i like to be clean. is that a problem? well, my parents thought so, when i lived at home. they wanted me to see a shrink. i can tell you what the shrink would have said....."she has ocd."

9. i have a thing for pens. i have a certain kind i like to use, but i enjoy buying and trying out different ones. i like markers, pencils, erasers, cute pencil cases, and flowery journals, too! did i stop maturing in high school, or what?

10. i am a lefty. i hate my writing, but i am somewhat of a perfectionist. i carry correction tape in my cute pencil cases and in my Bibles. i am constantly using the tape to cover up the ugly writing. in fifth grade, i won the "pen and quill" contest in my class at school...and got to compete against lots of other students from the same district. i didn't win.

well, there you have it. my ten. what have you learned??
a) i'm pretty boring
b) i'm pretty quirky
c) i'm pretty sarcastic :)
d) i'm pretty clean
e) all of the above

what are your ten? do share. i am very insecure (#11, maybe?!) and your quirks may help me to feel a bit more normal?! ha ha....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry about my last grammatically incorrect post lol I just couldn't leave it up like that.....I guess I have a lil OCD in me too huh? j/k

    Okay, here we go again- so as I was saying...I had NO IDEA you were a lefty but I don't think I've ever seen you write either ??? hhmmm? I write like a lefty even though right handed lol
