Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Butt Face"

(Please forgive me for the title, but I just couldn't resist.)

Did you ever hear that old wives tale about how Preparation H will get rid of your wrinkles?? Well, about three weeks ago....I decided to see if it's true or not. I have the infamous "11," as my friend so lovingly called it. The "11" would be the two creases/wrinkles between my eyes (on my forehead)....that are caused from squinting (or the excessive usage of "angry eyes"). Do you have the "11," too? If you're lucky, you may just have the "1"...and if you're not so lucky.....you may even have the "111." Go on....go check in the mirror. I'll wait.

Forgive me, again...for the large photo of myself. It's only on here because it shows my "11." You know how insecure I am and that, normally, I would not put a big pic of myself up on here (and esp. not one in which I look stoned or half asleep)!

Okay, so I went to Target (my home away from home) and I was all set to purchase some Preparation H. But, then...I looked...and what did I see??

The cheap version!
It's Target's "up&up" brand, and the price was a mere $3.44! I couldn't resist! I had to know if the stuff would really work. I had to perform my very own "Mythbusters," if you will. But- at the same time....I was being cheap about it. If it wasn't going to work, I didn't want to have put lots of money into my project.

Okay....you're just dying to know if it works, aren't you?? Well, it's three weeks later....




I do feel that I can see a noticeable difference in my "11!!" One of the lines is completely gone, while the other is still there but much more faint than before.

Sorry, yet again, for the horrible pic of myself. It should be very obvious that Josh wasn't home...and I was left to my own devices (ahem, my own photography skills- or lack thereof!). He will cringe when he sees this, which will then make his "11" very noticeable.

Anyhow, I wanted you to know that using this "butt cream" (on your face) every night for a few weeks will leave you feeling refreshed. Renewed. Tighter even. I am now using it on the bags under my eyes, too!

You should try it. And then pass the good (cheap) news along. Save yourself and your friends a trip (and mucho dinero) to the Med Spa for Botox! Your sister might ask if you're a "butt face," like mine did....but you're a grown up, so you can take it!!

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
-2 Cor. 4:16-


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hilarious post...gonna try it for myself! I always like to introduce myself when I follow a new blog so you don't think I just dropped out of the sky. I'm good friends with Bridget (Don't Blink) and she posted you on her Facebook page. We recently adopted, so I highly encourage you to get on your knees in consideration. There is such a need...so many orphans suffering...and all they need is a loving home. It will greatly stretch and strengthen your faith!

  3. I think I willbe part of the buttface crew too!!
