Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cry Out.....

Do you ever just feel like crying out? Complaining? Do you give into it?

I do! Women, by nature, are emotional creatures. I, for some lovely reason, tend to be even more emotional than your Average Jane. This past weekend, I had a good cry. Thank God, it didn't turn into the ugly cry. good cry just happened to be on the way to a double date with my hubby and some friends. Thankfully, I pulled it together before we got to the restaurant...though I am sure they were wondering why my eyes were red and I had no blush left!

I don't know if you feel the same, but I think it's okay to cry. Yep. I said it. Sometimes, we just have to give into those emotions. Let it out. Ya know?

This morning, as I was working on my Bible study....I was in Psalm 120. Psalm 120 starts off by saying...."In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me....."
Then, my study took me to Psalm 142:1-2...."I cry aloud to the Lord; I plead aloud to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before Him; I reveal my trouble to Him."

Isn't it a relief to know that we have been granted permission to cry out to the Lord? In my study, Beth (Moore) says...."Bringing our complaint before God is much more effective than dumping it on other people." Yet, how often do I dump my complaints onto my friends?! I will tell you how often.....nearly everyday! I actually recently wrote this verse on an index card and taped it to my computer....

-Phil. 2:14

Every time I sit down at the computer, I see this reminder. It's hard.....really hard.....for me not to complain or argue. But, I loved seeing in my study today that I have Someone who is always ready to it to my cries, or my complaints. I shall take them to Him....first! I challenge you to do the same!! Be blessed today...and cry out to Him if you need to. (Don't's okay to cry.)

1 comment:

  1. I am a VERY sensitive person. I cry at everything, good, bad or inbetween. I use to hate that I cried so much and that I was so sensitive. I know some people probably think I'm just a big cry baby. But now that I'm older (and wiser!) I see my sensitivity as a blessing. I don't consider myself a cry baby, I just think I'm a very passionate person. I liked your post, now I know I'm not alone when it comes to crying. I think it's healthy to cry and have emotions.
