Monday, March 22, 2010

Who Knew??

Mason bee on flower

This past weekend, I was in my kitchen when I noticed a black bee in the window! It was inside the house, trying to climb the window and it wanted out! I freaked out and made Bryson run to get Josh. Josh came in, wrapped the bee in a napkin, and took it out back to release it. I tried to get him to just kill it- but he wouldn't.
About ten minutes later, I walked back into the kitchen and lo and behold- there was the dang bee! Inside! Again! Josh had gone to run an errand, so it was up to me to take care of it. I was not about to gently wrap it and release it. Nope. I grabbed the fly swatter and smashed it....and then threw it into the trash ('That'll teach him,' I thought to myself).
About an hour went by and I was back in the kitchen. Can you believe that there was ANOTHER bee inside my house?? In the window! Climbing to get out! Josh was back and I made him kill it. Okay....the freaky thing is that after I saw the second one, I plugged the holes in my window with napkins! I wasn't sure how those things were getting in, but I started to have some serious eebie jeebies (I don't know how you spell those words, but you know what I mean, right?). Josh went out and sprayed around the window...and we never saw any more. But, I am still getting "weirded" out when I go into the kitchen. I keep expecting a black bee to be in there!!
Come to find out (through extensive research...ha ha), the particular bee we had is called a Blue Orchard Mason Bee. They can get into tiny places and crawl into any hole their size. They emerge in early Spring. They are gentle bees and pollinate fruits. I have an orchid in the window, so we are not sure if they wanted to pollinate that....but it's just interesting (and creepy) that we had so many "visitors" that day! Now, if you happen to see a black bee in your home- you will know what it is!! Or, maybe you're a lot smarter than me, and you already knew!!

Since we're on the subject of bees, and they make's a verse for ya!

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
-Proverbs 16:24


  1. Crazy! Don't you feel just a little bit bad that they were there to do their job and pollinate?! I don't blame you for pulling out the swatter, though! I usually use glass cleaner to kill bugs :) I had a bee on my back once and swear I could feel it crawling on me for the rest of the day!

  2. I do feel kinda bad! Did you see The Bee Movie? Ha! After seeing that, I do feel a bit sad for killing them. But- I didn't want to get stung!! Oh just feel like you've got something crawling on you. It's totally "mental!" :)
