Monday, September 27, 2010

a few recommendations...

Click to see a larger image of Streams in the Desert® for Kids by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

my mom got this devotional for bryson a while back...and i love it!! i read one to him each day, before he heads off to school. the thing is- i think the message is usually for me (even though it's a kids devotional book!). it's funny....i will have just read something during my study time, or i'll have recently heard a message...and then i'll read a devotion to bryson...and it will be about the same thing! that's when i know God is trying to send me a message!! i love it when the Lord gives me recurring themes, or messages...and i love it when He speaks to me!!

i recommend this book to anyone with school age children. not only will it speak to them...but you just might get more out of it than they do! each day has a verse, a short devotion, and a prayer. here's an example:

sept. 26
going where you cannot see

"we live by faith, not by sight."
2 corinthians 5:7

in 1934, an explorer named william beebe and an engineer named otis barton created a steel chamber called a bathysphere so that they could go to great depths in the ocean. they went down about 3,200 feet to look around. they were hooked to a ship on the surface by a long cable and they had a telephone. beebe looked out the window and reported what he saw to a person on the surface. in 1948 swiss physicist auguste piccard created a diving vessel he called the bathyscaphe. he went down 4,600 feet. in the 1950s jacques piccard joined his father, and they buit a vessel that went down to 10,300 feet. in 1958 the u.s. navy had a ship called the trieste, and it went to the deepest point known on earth: 35,810 feet. that is deep!
explorers like beebe and piccard led risky lived because they went where no one else had been. they didn't know exactly what would happen when they descended into the ocean. it took a lot of faith to do what they did- especially the first time. they had to have faith in their idea and faith in the people who helped them build their vessels.
as children of God, we also lead lives that require faith. we don't know what tomorrow may bring. it could be exciting and fun. or it could be scary and sad. it's important to have faith in God. whatever happens, He is going there with you.

dear Lord, i know You are with me wherever i go. amen.

and make sure to get......we cry out...the worship project!

We Cry Out: The Worship Project CD

jeremy camp's new release, we cry out, is amazing!! it's so worshipful. there will be songs you recognize and some that you don't....and they're all grrrrreat!!! he's so gifted!! praise God! to be honest, you can't go wrong with any of his CDs. (jeremy's wife, adie camp, came out with a worship cd a few months back! it's also a wonderful cd!!)

happy reading and listening!!

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