Tuesday, September 7, 2010

growing up....

today is my baby's first day of preschool.
where have the past four years gone?

miss martha....she's just so cute!
mommy and hudson made a craft together....(a kissing hand)
he's got his lunch box!
...and his very own cubby!

he even has his own desk!
we can't believe our "baby" is in preschool!
hudson loves to play legos!

all of the parents got to write notes to their little ones....

time for school to begin....and time for mommies and daddies to say "good bye!"

i'm praying that hudson's first day is going really well.....
he's growing up too fast!

1 comment:

  1. How cute! He looks like he is going to be o.k.
    Chase had been twice now and loves it!
