Monday, September 13, 2010

grandparents day

yesterday was grandparents day, and though we've never "celebrated" it before....
we wanted to honor my parents a bit this year.
all of their grandkids made them cards, and i made dinner (tacos). my sister and b-i-l got our favorite dessert (froyo). we served "mimi" and "papa" on you are special today plates! after we put the kids to bed, my parents taught us a new card game. it was a super fun night as a fam.

can you believe that i didn't stop to snap a photo of mimi and papa with their precious kiddos? lame. lame. lame.

here are mimi and papa with their special plates
(my mom gave my sis and i these plates years ago, so they are very sentimental!)
aunt kel helped bryson with his star of the week poster...
rub a dub dub...two cuties in the tub!
(they'll kill me for this someday)

mimi and papa-
we love you and are so blessed to have you in our lives.
you're the bestest!


  1. So cute! Love the bathtub picture. I haven't taken a bathtub picture of Chase yet! He might just get lucky.

  2. I know! I love tub pics!! :) It was actually my mom's idea! I want to see Chase's....hee hee!!
