Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friendship & A Full Heart

Over the past week, several of my good friends have blessed me in various ways. I just have to share with you what some my friends have done this past week alone!!

*One friend sent me the most amazing (hand written!!) letter I have ever received.
*One friend brought me coffee.
*One friend emailed with an encouraging verse, pertaining to something that's on my heart.
*One friend shared her heart with me, and listened as I shared mine with her.
*One friend texted me and told me that she loved me.
*A few friends got down on their faces and prayed with and for me.
*One friend told me that she loves reading my blog.
*One friend wrote an encouraging comment on my blog.
*One friend told me that she'd been praying for me.
*One friend gave me godly advice.
*One friend approached me about serving at church and told me she thought I'd be great for the job.
*One friend gave me the most amazing compliment and told me I had the "prettiest face" she knew.

Wow! Do I have amazing friends, or what?! Each day, I am awed by God's goodness. He has put so many women in my life, and He uses them ALL to encourage me in my walk. He uses them at different times, and in different ways. I pray that I can bless others- the way that my friends bless me. I am so "lifted up" and encouraged by my friends....and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

Good Friends (Puppies) - Pass It On® Card
Yesterday, the boys and I met Josh for lunch. When we got back to my car, there was a Pass It On card stuck in my door. The card has a picture of two puppies in a basket together. On the card is written:

Good friends stick close together....
"Two are better than one...if one falls down, his friend can help him up."
-Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Jesus is Lord: Now & Forever

Getting this card was yet another reminder (from the Lord) of how blessed I am. He uses people to encourage me in countless ways. I know He must do the same in your life. My God is so faithful. I am feeling humbled by the love I have received from others. I hope and pray that I am able to encourage them, too. My heart is so full, and I am so thankful for the people that the Lord has surrounded me with. I have been thinking about all of the opportunities I pass up...to bless others. Do you do the same thing?? May we not let a day go by that we don't find a way to bless another person. As I have been reflecting on this last week, and all of the friends that the Lord has used to "lift me up," I continue to be reminded that He is a faithful God. He never changes. He is the same....yesterday, today, and forever. May we be faithful friends. May we not let opportunities pass us by. May we find ways- everyday- to bless those around us. May we "pass it on."

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