Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gram's House

Bryson had Monday off of school, so the boys and I headed down to my grandma's house. We spent a few hours there, just chatting and hanging out. My grandma and I had some great discussions....about God's faithfulness and His provision. She and I shared laughs and tears, and it was a sweet time together. The boys got comfy in her big chair, and watched TV and played the entire time!

Gram (Margaret) is 93 years old and she is very healthy and active!! We left her place around lunch time, because she had to get to her Scrabble club!! I mean, many 93 year olds do you know that still play Scrabble....and can beat nearly everyone they play??

My two cuties- all comfy in Gram's chair!!

Isn't she adorable?!
(She is wearing Coach tennis shoes- that she bought at The Rack!)
She wasn't sure that the navy sweatshirt looked good on her. She is used to wearing light pinks and blues. I assured her that it looked great! Too cute, she is!

The boys didn't want to leave.
They love her and gave Gram lots of hugs that day!!

Our time together never seems long enough. I am planning to go back for another visit soon. She and I are going to head to the beauty supply store. Gram was a hair dresser for years! She is having some major (re)construction done at her home, and the workers had to run cords to her bathrooms. She asked them to move one to another place, since there was no outlet to plug in her curling iron!

I love this woman....

the matriarch of our family....
a godly lady....
a faithful mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother....
a strong tower.....
a Christian example....
a hard worker....
one who has made it through many trials....
one who has become stronger because of them....
wise and knowledgeable.....
loving and giving.....
sensitive and caring....


  1. She's adorable! I hope I look that great when I'm 93! WOW!

  2. She's 93?!?! She looks amazing!!!How lucky you are to have grandparents, and your boys to have great-grandparents! I haven't had a grandparents since I was 15!!! My husband has grandparents so I get to use his :)
    Love her Coach shoes, too cute!
