Sunday, May 9, 2010

met·a·mor·pho·sis [met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis]

a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.

Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Kristi Lynn is by far the biggest blessing God has ever bestowed on me. She is an amazing person in so many ways.

Obviously she is beautiful on the outside, anyone can see that. To witness the transformation (metamorphosis) that has taken place in her life in the past few years has been incredible. God has been changing and shaping her in to the beautiful creation she was intended to be.

She started by losing over 50 pounds in less than one year. Amazing.

She began waking up early ever morning to spend time with the Lord.

She hosts 2 Bible studies in our home, ministering to 30+ women.

She constantly offers to bring meals to those who are hurting or in need.

She organized an huge picnic and prayer meeting for the "National Day of Prayer"

She is the best wife and mother 3 boys could ever hope for.

Through her Bible studies, friendships, example, and blog, she has been a shining example of what a Godly woman, wife, and mother should look like and an inspiration to so many. It's amazing how God can use someone so quiet to make a big impact for His Kingdom.

I am honored, blessed, and humbled by her on a daily basis. I love her so very much.

Butterflies have nothing on her.

I am so thankful for my wife. Happy Mother's Day!


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