Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prayer and Potluck at the Park

Picture of Flowers in a Garden Border - Free Pictures -

Hey, ladies!!

Thursday, May 6th is National Prayer Day....

Please join me....and lots of my amazing friends....

for a time of prayer, fun, food, and fellowship.

We will be meeting at 11:00 a.m., at a local park (in Corona).

I am providing sandwiches, a sweet treat, and some fun activities for the kids. There are two playgrounds and there is a splash pad, as well!!

Let me know if you are interested in joining us and I will send you the Evite with all of the details!! I am asking that each lady bring something yummy to share!

Please email me at:

Have a blessed day!!


  1. What an awesome way to celebrate National Day of Prayer!! I didn't even think about eviting friends to go and share the day as well. I might just steal this idea from you next year!! Very cool!!

  2. Aww...thank you!! The Lord put it on my heart....twice....and I love planning/organizing!! :) I am excited, because so far there are about 50 kids/moms coming! Go ahead...steal away!! :) Hee hee! God bless you!!
