Monday, May 24, 2010

when the mom's away....

...the boys will play!

last weekend, josh and the boys (and a cheap camera) jetted off to the chino air show. seriously, the guy should get "dad of the year" award. when i'm gone....josh's field trip time! he is really great about taking the boys to do fun things. they had a blast at the air show!

(disclaimer: i did NOT dress my children that day)


  1. LOL on the disclaimer! Hey but a Dad who takes the kids out and manages to take pics for mommys blog deserves some kind of an award! Way to go Daddy! haha...had fun seeing you this weekend:)

  2. True! True!! :) Thank you! It was great to see you, too. I really enjoyed chatting with you and it was awesome to witness the Lord using you in yet another way!! :) I hope we get the chance to talk again, in the future....
