Friday, May 7, 2010

sweet sixteen

on may 7, 1994....
sixteen years ago today....

josh and i went on our first date, and kissed for the first time.

little did i know that that night was only the beginning. the beginning of a God-ordained relationship. the start of a journey...full of laughter, tears, joys, sorrows, trials, triumphs, and many, many blessings!

the past sixteen years have been amazingly sweet.

josh and i have been blessed beyond measure.

to God be the glory.....great things He has done.

as i look back over the years, i can see God's hand in every aspect of our relationship and marriage. it would take too long to write about it, and you'd get bored with my sap...

so today, i'm just thanking my Lord for these years with my man.

thank you, Jesus, for being at the center of our marriage. we invite You, and beg of You, to stay put.

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