Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crazy Love


Okay, so I love to read. I mean....LOVE to read. I have always enjoyed reading (it's my #1 hobby), and I can't stand being without a book. is one that is life changing! It's a "must read," if you will! My friend, Leah, introduced me to Francis Chan. Francis is the author of Crazy Love, and he is also the pastor of Cornerstone Church, in Simi Valley. He also has a new book called Forgotten God. I just started that one yesterday! Anyhow...back to Crazy Love. Don't you just love to say the title out loud? Try it! It's just a fun title, and it's an excellent and challenging read. It's convicting and cuts straight to the heart. But, in the times we are living in...times where many so-called Christians look NO different than the rest of the world....that is what we need....a "word" that cuts straight to our hearts and challenges us to get up off that couch and get out into the world. I am including some quotes from the book, so that you will know what to expect. Caution: You cannot read this book without being tremendously challenged!

From the back cover:

Have you ever wondered if we're missing it?
It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe- the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor-- loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss.

Whether you've verbalized it yet or not...we all know something's wrong.

Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts-- it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same.

Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.

From inside:

The core problem isn't the fact that we're lukewarm, halfhearted, or stagnant Christians. The crux of it all is why we are this way, and it is because we have an inaccurate view of God. We see Him as a benevolent Being who is satisfied when people manage to fit Him into their lives in some small way. We forget that God never had an identity crisis. He knows He's great and deserves to be the center of our lives. Jesus came humbly as a servant, but He never begs us to give Him some small part of ourselves. He commands everything from His followers.
(page 22)

The greater good on this earth is God. Period. God's one goal for us is Himself.
(page 62)

Are we in love with God or just His stuff?
(page 62)

But when the seed is sown in good soil, it grows, takes root, and produces fruit. My caution to you is this: Do not assume you are good soil.
(page 67)

Has your relationship with God actually changed the way you live? Do you see evidence of God's kingdom in your life? Or are you choking it out slowly by spending too much time, energy, money, and thought on the things of this world?
(page 67)

Lukewarm people attend church fairly regularly. It is what is expected of them, what they believe "good Christians" do, so they go.
(page 68)

Lukewarm people tend to choose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict. They desire to fit in both at church and outside of church; they care more about what people think of their actions (like church attendance and giving) than what God thinks of their hearts and lives.
(page 69)

Lukewarm people love God, but they do not love Him with all their heart, soul, and strength. They would be quick to assure you that they try to love God that much, but that sort of total devotion isn't really possible for the average person; it's only for pastors and missionaries and radicals.
(page 73)

**Okay....I will stop there for now! I could go on and on...all day long. Francis was definitely gifted by our Lord and Maker. There were many times I had to stop and really ponder the questions asked in this book. It's thought provoking and it's a book that I could read again and again...and gain new insight each time. I am praying that the truths that "hit" me will stick with me, and that I will never be the same. My God is crazy about me and daily I am growing crazier about Him!

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