Friday, May 22, 2009

Five "Good" Things

You know those days that just don't wind up going as planned?  Today has been one of them for me.  Care to know why?  If so, keep reading....

My morning started out with a cranky boy (Bryson), who complained of a head ache and "leg" ache (from the moment I went in to wake him up). It went on from there and he spewed out one complaint after another. It got old real quick! I finally told him that I had heard enough complaining and that his "punishment" would be to, in turn, tell me five "good" things about his life.  That spawned some more whining and complaining.  He finally told me five things (one of which was his "love" for his brother) and the morning seemed to be looking up.  As usual, I helped out in the classroom today and by that time, Bryson was happy and all was well....or so I thought.  My mom watches Hudson for me, while I help out in class...and we had planned for her to meet me at school (when I was done).  We'd then drive my sister's and hang out at her pool for the day. So, my mom met me, she drove us to my sister's house, we got changed, and went down to the pool.  I enjoyed fifteen minutes of the nice, warm sun....and watched Hudson splash around....before I got "the call."  The call was to tell me that Bryson was running a fever and needed to be picked up from school.  Great.  Just great.  My mom immediately told me to take her car, and that she'd watch Hudson while I went to get Bryson.  I left to get Bryson- wearing my suit and a short, strapless cover-up (since my clothes were back at my sis' house)....knowing that I'd have to walk into the school office looking like a nut job. Oh well.  No time to change, right?  A sick kid needed his mommy.  I made it to the school without any problems and picked up my kiddo...then turned back around- to head back to Kelly's pool. I didn't have any Tylenol with me and my sis only had the infant stuff at her place, so we stopped at a CVS and ran inside.  Bryson, who had been happily playing his Nintendo DS in the car, decided that his legs hurt too much to walk.  So, I carried him.  Through CVS.  We got the Tylenol and by then it was lunch time for everyone.  Via phone calls (with mom and sis), we decided on one of our favorite places (Flame Broiler), and since it was in the same parking lot as CVS...Bryson and I ran in to get the food.  We finally made it back to the pool, got everyone situated, ate, and swam for a bit.  Bryson had no swim trunks, so he went swimming in his uniform shorts.  Yes...I let him go swimming.  Call me what you will, but for everyone's sanity...I let him go in.  ( mommy told me it might help bring his fever down.)  The kids had fun, but it was one of those days where none of us were able to sit for more than two minutes at a time.  Before long, it was time to pack up and get back on the road.  My mom had to drive us back to the school (my third trip there for the day) to pick up my car.  The traffic was already horrendous on the 91, so we backtracked to get onto FasTrak ('s spelled that way.  I just checked.).  The boys argued the WHOLE way back.  ("His foot is in my space."  "He's touching my seat."And on and on...) It was tiring.  Exhausting. Irritating.  After a seemingly endless ride back to the school, we loaded up our stuff and headed home.  The arguing lessened. We finally made it home, and I put both children down for naps.  They are both sleeping now! (Thank you, Jesus.) why the long description?  Because I have realized that I am full of double standards.  All I feel like doing is complaining to anyone willing to listen.  So, I will now tell you five "good" things about my life!  But first...I have to share with you the Bible verse that I kept quoting to Bryson this morning:

(I have now eaten my words and when my child wakes up, I will apologize to him.)

My five things:
1. I have two amazing boys- that I love to death.  I am so thankful for them (even when they make me want to pull my hair out)!
2. I have a hard-working husband who desires nothing more than to provide for his family, and who constantly tells me how much he loves me.
3. My roses are in full bloom and smell wonderful(ly?).  Thank you, Lord, for Your beauty.
4. I have some Golden Spoon in the freezer, and two boys SLEEPING at the same time!
5. I get to have my hair cut tomorrow, and that means 2.5 hours in a chair...with a magazine...alone.
(For good measure....6. This blog has proven to be cathartic (and fun)!)

**I hope and pray that you can list at least five "good" things in your life!  Please feel free to share them with me!  I'd love to hear....

**Normally, I'd check back over my post...looking for any errors. "fro yo" is calling my name, and I am tired from the day.  Just looking at how long I made this post is enough to wear anyone out! please forgive me for anee ererz oar mispelingze.  


  1. Very cute Kristi!!! I will have to remember this the next time my husband complains! I hope your son gets over his fever quickly.

  2. Love it Kristi!
    You should have started blogging a long time ago!
