Saturday, May 16, 2009

Words of Affirmation

I get to help in Bryson's class every Friday morning.  It's a joy for me, and it's fun to be the parent...not the teacher (for once)!  Well, every day there is a "special helper" and this past Friday (was that really only yesterday?), the special helper just happened to be Bryson!  I love God's timing!!  It was so fun for me to be in the classroom for Bryson's special day!  Each day, the students honor the helper by giving them words of affirmation (while the honored student sits in a chair up front). Bryson's teacher (the amazing Mrs. Martin) writes down- on the white board- what the children are saying about the helper.  Then, each child writes three sentences and draws a picture for the helper.  It was so fun to listen to the incredible things the kids were saying about my boy!  On Friday afternoon (was that really only yesterday?), Bryson came home with a whole book of affirmations and pictures...from all of his classmates!  The children said things like:  "Bryson is silly.  Bryson has a kind heart.  Bryson is good at soccer.  Bryson is a strong Christian.  Bryson is nice.  Bryson is loving."  His book is something that we will treasure forever.  Since then (yesterday?), I have been thinking about how wonderful it would be if we, as adults, did the same thing for one another.  I think that the act of affirming others has gone by the wayside.  We are quick to judge, criticize, and put down others around us.  I am sad to say that I probably do it with/to my loved ones the most!  Looking at Bryson's book, I was reminded of how uplifting an encouraging word can be.  So, I challenge you to send a card, write a note, text that friend, or send an email...telling someone else why you think they're great!  Give a compliment, quote Scripture, or just check in with let that person know that you are thinking of them!  I often use the computer to communicate with others, so I am challenging myself to write a hand-written note (or two)!  Happy affirming......

"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." -Prov. 16:24

1 comment:

  1. Personal notes are good, but I am so thankful for the computer and how we're able to stay in touch! Love you much!
