Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today's the Day!

Today is a special day...for several reasons:

It's the National Day of Prayer!!

"Be joyful always; PRAY continually; give thanks in all circumstances, 
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
-1 Thess. 5:16-18

It's also a very special day for me because Josh and I went on our first date 15 years ago- today!  
It was May 7, 1994....Josh picked me up in his beat-up, rusty, grass-green Mustang.  He was looking good in his plaid, button down and jeans.  I'm pretty sure he didn't open my door, and I am positive that he didn't bring me flowers.  I know my parents were shaking their heads, as we drove away.  He drove me to the beach and "used" me as a model, for a photography assignment he had to complete.  I sat next to some vintage buoys, on someone's private property, while he clicked away.  After that, we sat on a private stairway (gosh, we trespassed a lot that night!) and he kissed me a couple of times.   No sparks flew right then, and if someone had told me right then that fifteen years later, I'd be married to that boy...and be the mother of his children...I would have laughed my head off!  Only as time went on would I learn that Josh was: the prince in my fairy tale, the cream in my coffee (cheesy...but true!), and the love of my life.  Well, fifteen years I try to sum up our years together, I realize that there's no way I can do them justice with lots of sappy words (so I'll just write a few!).  I can just say that our years together have been more than I could have hoped for, dreamed of, or imagined.  We've grown up and matured together.  We have had  countless moments of laughter, tears, joys, sadness, silliness, romance, and the list goes on.  The Lord always knows what He's doing and His ways are better than ours (Jer. 29:11 and Is. 55:8-9).  I love my man.  I love my boys (that are so much like Josh).  I love this life.  I am blessed beyond measure!  Thank you, Jesus...and may You bless Josh and I with 15+15+15 more years of love.

1 comment:

  1. I love being married to you too babe, but you know that!

    In my defense (no door opening or flowers, etc) We I was 17 and we were just friends. I needed a human element in my photo and you were photogenic to put it mildly. I did not see a BF/GF relationship happening either. I totally remember thinking that I would probably never be married. That thought did not last long...

